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Reports 2024 Global Day on Climate Action ![]() On
November 16 as countries gathered at the climate change conference
COP29 in Baku, a wide coalition of groups are calling for speedier
action to prevent runaway climate breakdown.
On November 16 protests took place across the country. In Newcastle it was organised by the North East Climate Justice Coalition, with Climate Action Newcastle, Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion along with many other organisations, including Newcastle Stop the War. A march was held on Northumberland Street, which was part of the Global Day of Action. This aimed to raise awareness about the urgent need for climate action and that the people must be empowered to harmonise the natural and social environment into a liveable planet in the interests of the future of all. It was reported that Jacky Doran, 69, Climate Action Newcastle organiser, said: “Temperatures this year have risen even higher than the 1.5 degree C temperature increase in the Paris Agreement – and with rates of fossil fuel burning increasing rather than falling, we’re hurtling ever faster towards disastrous climate breakdown. All the experts agree that the dithering and denial has to stop – urgent action must be taken now, both here and around the world.” Pam Wortley Vice Chair of Newcastle Stop the War also addressed the rally which was chaired by Tony Dowling. She said; "The Stop the War Coalition is an anti-war movement, dedicated to preventing and ending all wars. Wars are a major cause of the climate crisis with 20% of environmental degradation around the world due to military activities... If we’re to have any hope of a liveable planet, we must divest from war and destruction." We attach her full speech. Pam Wortley rally speech Anti-War Assembly ![]() On Sunday September 29, around 20 people attended an Anti-war
assembly which was held in Newcastle spanning two sessions. Session 1. Stop the genocide! Stop arming Israel! and session 2. No escalation of war! No to Islamophobia! Introducing
the discussion in the first session was Alex Snowdon, NEU Northern and
Jason Hussein Vice Chair, Newcastle Palestine Solidarity
Campaign. Introducing the discussion in the second session was
Roger Nettleship Newcastle Stop the War, Mohammad Asif Glasgow Stop the
War, and Sweta Choudhury Stop the War Coaltion. The meeting was
chaired by both Tony Dowling and Dave McCallister.
With Israel's British government supported genocidal war in Gaza and now their war spreading into Lebanon and with the war in Ukraine being escalated by the Anglo-US led NATO alliance against Russia. The anti-war assembly concentrated on the anti-war movement in renewing and rebuilding the discussion and involvement in anti-war activities in the north east. Whilst the Assembly reaffirmed ongoing actions in standing with Palestine and Lebanon it also discussed the necessity to further work to oppose the dangerous escalation of war in Ukraine that Britain is playing a leading role in alongside the US. We reproduce audio of speeches below. One is notes as it was mistakenly not recorded. Session 1: Alex Snowdon Jason Hussein Session 2: Roger Nettleship Mohammad Asif Sweta Choudury ![]() Unity Rally Newcastle ![]() ![]() At
the peaceful unity rally in Newcastle, August 10, 2024. Thousands here. Many good
speakers including the trade unions. Chandni spoke from Newcastle PSC
condemning the government supporting genocide of Palestinians. The
racism pushed in Britain by the big parties is part of that trying to
divide our unity in the fight for the rights of all. Our Communities our unity. Like Palestine people here
will be free!
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Vigil for Al Shifa Hospital in Newcastle ![]() Photo: Davy Ellis On
April 4th some hundreds of people took part in a Vigil in
Newcastle for Al Shifa Hospital in Palestine. It was organised by
medical workers and students in Newcastle to condemn the most recent
barbarous attacks by Israel against Al Shifa Hospital, the largest
medical complex in Gaza. They also described the Israeli forces
cowardly retaliation to the resistance efforts by intensified bombing
of hospitals and residential complexes in Khan Yunis and Rafah and
their latest atrocity to deliberately target and kill food aid
workers in Gaza.
Medical workers and Palestinians spoke with outrage describing the unbelievable crimes of Israeli soldiers butchering patients, medical staff, men women and babies murdering over 600 and destroying the hospital complex completely. As medical staff they spoke with admiration about the heroism of the medical staff refusing to leave their patients staying and dying with their patients at Al Shifa which was an inspiration for humanity that these Palestinians are showing to the the world the “best human beings on our planet”. One speaker said how this is the largest number of medical staff who have been killed in any war in history. This is Israel's genocidal war on Gaza. They spoke that the people of Palestine do not even have time to process or grieve one vile crime committed by the Occupation before another is committed. They condemn the British government for its continued support for Israel, refusing to impose sanctions and the sending of weapons to Israel to enable Israel to continue its war and refusing to bring about a ceasefire. Bringing it home to the north east it was so tragic to hear the Palestinian students and Palestinians here who have lost so many loved ones from families and friends. The speakers said that these vile crimes will never be forgotten and that history will condemn them and that these martyrs will be remembered when the Palestinian people are free, free to return in their own land. The speakers said that Israeli settler colonization, with its infrastructure of genocidal violence, cannot and will not extinguish the connection to their homeland and they recommitted to the struggle for the full liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea! The Chair concluded the vigil saying that these efforts will continue to build the movement to stop Israel and combat to end Britain's support for Israeli crimes once and for all! Anti-War Assembly Palestine, War and the Middle East ![]() ![]() On Sunday March 3 an Anti-war
assembly was held in Newcastle spanning two sessions on Palestine, war
and the Middle East and building a mass movement for Palestine.
Each session had leading activists in the movement speaking on
their experience and was followed by discussion. At the end of the
meeting a programme on standing with Palestine was adopted by the assembly as a
guide to further action for Newcastle Stop the War who organised the
assembly and those participating. The sessions were chaired by
Pam Wortley and Roger Nettleship.
Audio of speeches: Session 1 Mick Bowman - Walk to Palestine Fran Heathcote - General Secrretary, PCS union Habib Rahman - former Lord Mayor of Newcastle, independent councillor Shumel Rahman (statement read by Mehru-Nisa Shah - (no recording) Noor Mahmoud - Palestinian activist Alex Snowdon - Executive committee, PSC Session 2 Shamyla Khan - President, Newcastle University Palestine Society (no recording) Sarra Malik - Vice President, Northumbria University Palestine Society Mehru-Nisa Shah - Newcastle Friends of Al-Aqsa Abdullah Habeb - President, Northumbria Univerity labour Society (no recording) Pam Wortley - Newcastle Stop the War Stop the Genocide in Gaza Newcastle Stop the War public meeting ![]() On Thursday January 18th Newcastle Stop the War held a public meeting Stop the Genocide in Gaza - Palestine War and the Middle East at the Newcastle Irish Centre.
The meeting was held After more than 100 days of Israeli war crimes in Gaza and the West bank, backed by the US and Britain and yet another massive protest for Palestine in London at the weekend previously. The meeting was also held when the US/UK attacks on Yemen the previous week and also South Africa filing a case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) accusing Israel of genocide. The meeting called to step up our campaigning and we cannot relent in our demand for peace and justice for Palestine. We have to continue speaking up and force our elected representatives to listen to this overwhelming call for peace and justice for the Palestinians. Following the speeches there were interesting questions and discussion on the importance of continuing to build the movement both regionally and nationally to block the British government's support for genocide and stop Israels' war on gaza and the necessity for justice for the Palestinians in their own lands. Speakers were. Shumel Rahman, Newcastle City councillor, Abdel Malek, Palestinian Forum in Britain and Lindsey German, Stop the War Coalition convenor. The meeting was chaired by Roger Nettleship, Chair of NSW. Audio of speeches: Shumel Rahman Abdel Malek Lindsey German Reports 2023 Public Meeting Stop the War On Gaza Free Palestine ![]() Newcastle
Stop the War Coaltion
hosted a meeting in Newcastle Stop the War on Gaza on Thursday November
16th, 2023. Invited speakers were Mick Bowman, Newcastle PSC
activist speaking from the West Bank in Palestine by web link, Ellie
Arman Azoulay - A cultural historian at Newcastle university,
Eman Al-Assah Palestinian PHD Researcher in post colonial studies
and Alex Snowdon, PSC Executive member. Pam Wortley read a message from
Lindsey German Convenor of Stop the War. The meeting was Chaired by
Roger Nettleship Chair of NSW. Some 70 people took part in the
meeting which condemned Israel's barborous crimes in Gaza as well as in
the West bank. The meeting condemned the political, military and
economic support given to Israel by the US and Britain to the massacres
of the population of Gaza. Britain alongside the US is complicit
in war crimes being committed
against the Palestinian people using the unjustifiable claim that
Israel has a right to "defending itself" and claiming that the
Palestinians have no
right to resist the continued attacks on their existence and right to
be in their own territory over many decades. The speakers
represented both
the Palestinian people and Jewish people at the meeting and
together everyone demanded an immediate ceasefire to stop the Israeli
massacres of civilians, destruction of their homes, hospitals and towns
making 1.5 million people homeless. The call from the
meeting was to continue to build the mass movement for an
immediate ceasefire and to also demand that the US and British
warmongers be brought to account alongside the Israeli state for their
crimes against humanity.
March and Rally in South Tyneside ![]() On Saturday November 4 in
South Shields the Muslim Community organised a powerful
demonstration that showed that South Tyneside stands with
Palestine and calling on Britain to support a ceasefire.
South Tyneside Stop the War Coalition went all out to support this
initiaitve which was part of a national campaign this week to have
protests in every town and city. This was a powerful message to
break the silence of British media that helps justify the ongoing
criminal Israeli war on the Gazan people in Palestine. The main
message of the day was that Britain should demand an immediate
ceasefire and end their complicity directly and indirectly in war
crimes against the Palestinian people. On the same day a large
demonstration and rally took place in Newcastle, with rallies and
protests in Sunderland and Durham. The following day a big march and
rally took place in Middlesborough.
March and Rallies for Palestine in NewcastleSpeech of Roger Nettleship at the South Shields rally: STWC Speech at Rally Channel S (Sky 177) News report: Channel S News ![]() On Saturday October 28
Newcastle Palestine Solidarity Campaign organised its fourth action to
stand with the Palestinian people. This was the largest and first
demonstration. Thousands marched from the Civic Centre to the
Monument. This followed the emergency rally which had taken place on
Monday October 9th at the Monument. Then another rally at the Monument
on Saturday October 14th attended by hundreds followed by a rally at
the BBC HQ in Newcastle the following Saturday when at the same time
hundreds of thousands gathered in London on October 21 with protests
across Britain and worldwide. Newcastle Stop the War has also
been taking part in these actions with activists joining activists in
the NPSC to help organise these events and enable thousands to
express their solidarty with the Palestinan people and their resistance
to the genocidal crimes of the Israeli state. Many Jewish people
have also joined these protests to demand that Israel stop the bomnbing
of Gaza and demand an immediate ceasefire.
Pam Wortley from Newcastle Stop the War has spoken at these events. The following is the very well received speech she gave at Newcastle Monument Rallly on Saturday October 28 following the demonstration: NSW Speech at the Rally ![]() ![]() Newcastle Conference Report The World At War & The Movement For Peace A Trade Union Issue ![]() On Saturday May 20,
Newcastle Stop the War held a conference to discuss
the vital importance of involving workers and their trade unions in
building the movement against war and for peace in Britain. The conference was organised by Newcastle Stop
the War and supported by Newcastle Trade Union Council, the NEU
Northern Region and South Tyneside Trade Union Council.
Session 1 - Russia, NATO and the Proxy War in UkraineThe conference started with the session on Russia, NATO and the Proxy War in Ukraine. Introduced by the Vice Chair of Newcastle Stop the Wear Pam Wortley this was the longest session of the conference. Andrew Murray, Vice President of Stop the War spoke at length and said the important thing was the aim for the peace movement, because people are bound to have all kinds of views with all the disinformation but want to unite against Britain and NATO escalating this war. He also kept emphasising that the aim of Stop the War now was to demand that the British government and the oppostion support a ceasefire and negotiations to end the war with "security for all, security arrangements that don't just depend on the expansion of NATO because if security is not for everyone, it is not for anyone." He said that this was the stand of the majority of countries in the world and especially China and the global south including Iran and Saudi Arabia. "Only in British politics", he concluded, "is a ceasefire a dirty word. We have to challenge that and say that the dirty word is actually nuclear annihilation. Now is the time to be pushing for peace and demanding that the British government stop its reckless escalation of this war. Its reckless promotion of continuing the conflict and get on the side of peace." The discussion continued on and around these important issues for the working class and trade union movement till lunch time. In the first afternoon session Graham Kirkwood chaired and introduced the session on the Lucas Plan and the Alternative to Arms Spending. Martin Levy, President of the Newcastle Trades Union Council spoke on the Lucas plan. He said that in 1976 the Lucas Aerospace Combine Shop Stewards produced and alternative corporate plan. The division employed 18,000 as the company was announcing huge job losses. 150 product ideas came up from the workforce from medical equipment to alternative energy technologies, including energy conservation showing that the workers were ahead of the times, Martin emphasised. This movement quickly spread to Northern Shipbuilding and war industries, that at that time were in decline. Martin concluded that there "needs to be a new drive for general and comprehensive disarmament, beginning with the elimination of nuclear weapons" and rejection of imperialism and NATO and a just transition for all workers in carbon and defense industries that involves the workers in making these decisions. Adding to the talk of Martin, Roger Nettleship, Chair of Newcastle Stop the War and Vice President of South Tyneside Trade Union Council spoke on Britain today as the wars workshop of the world. He oulined how the armanents industry was now the largest manufacturing industry in Brtain not for defence but for arming the wars of the world including the government's continued escalation of the war in Ukraine. He pointed out that the government safeguards the war industry by owning "golden shares", whilst they have no concern for the car industry, or the thousands of jobs and other industries and especially no concern for public services. He conluded by saying that only the working class and people can save the day and that the Lucas plan was that kind of inspiration today for a political economy that is anti-war and pro-social and he looked forward to the two Trades Councils working towards this goal. In the discussion that followed Climate Change was also highlighted as one of the consequences of the war industries and wars. In the final session, The Bloody Legacy of the "War on Terror" was chaired by Roger Nettleship. Alex Snowdon,spoke on behalf of the NEU Northern Region. He highlighted things he thought were important for us in the trade union movement. He said you have to look at the 100,000s of people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan and the growth of terrorism after those invasions and occupations. He said it was supposedly, about ending terrorism but it led to the growth of IS and civil wars in these countries and the refugee crisis . These are the legacies of the bloody "War on Terror". Alex emphasised the opposition to those wars "which created a strong body of anti-war public opinion and we created over time through the movement we built that influenced the public debate." and he pointed out that people were now highly sceptical about interventions by US/UK and their allies and we saw a sea change in the trade unions. Today, he said we need to articulate the arguments of the anti-war movement and open up the space even if we don't win the motions, opposing NATO, opposing increased arms spending, etc. We need to link the cost of living crisis, cutting school budgets which is a direct result of their spending on arms and their wars. Speaking about legacy of the US 20 year war in Afghanistan, Syed Ullah, Newcastle Stop the War higlighted the recent negotiations between the Taliban and British and US from 2019 which lasted two years and no British and Americans were killed, which was good - but more that 50,000 Afgans were killed and injured at the same time. He said that the life of an Afghan was not considered anywhere. He said that the negotiations were not with the Afghan people but between the Taliban and the US. He pointed out that over the last 4 years Afghans were displaced over and over again from their homeland. The US used Afghanistan to test its armaments and he described the dire economic and welfare situation and the corruption that was spread by the US NATO so that only a small amount of so-called aid was getting to the people in the country. Now western countries refuse to recognise Afghanistan and sanctions are imposed so the Taliban relies on funding from the US, so he said, the US is still in control. That does not benefit the freedom of women, or the people, as the only agreement is that the Taliban do not attack the US. He concluded that Afghanistan needs to be brought back into the mainstream and there needs to be positive negotiations with the people in Afghanistan. Shadia Edwards-Dashti then spoke on the history of Islamophobia and racism connected with legacy of the "War on Terror." Shadia said that twenty years on Britain is a place where Islamophobia and racism is still full on, and rife. The "war on terror abused the principles on which law was founded by creating more and more laws to crush our communites". She said that the war on terror became a war of terror, not just in Iraq but right here in the United Kngdom. At the same time, she characterised this as an idealogical war against the people. She concluded that this ideolocal war on terror has made everyone a target and everyone pay the price, even when she was a 10 year old child. In summing up the conference, the Chair thanked the speakers and those that had attended and the planning committee that had organised the event. He said that it was very important that we had itemised and taken a stand on the questions and the discussion that needed to be taken up in the trade union movement. Also, our work for the conference had reached out to all these circles in the trade union movement and that will have an impact as well. But we need to take up theses questions and disinformation imposed on the trade union and working class movement. There was a suggestion that we produce a leaflet for the movement that elaborate the points we have discussed. Discussed here was the link between their proxy war in Ukraine and the cost of living crisis and cuts to health care, education and social and public services. The link of their wars to racist policies here and the fact that workers need to draw conclusions from the fact that they if they don't believe their lies here why would they believe their lies about their wars abroad. We had also discussed the need for future actions on the streets opposing Britain's escalation of the Ukraine war alongside the US and other NATO powers and everyone was welcome to join us in planning and implementing that work. The conference was then brought to a successful conclusion. Chaired by Pam Wortley, Vice Chair Newcastle Stop the War Speech by: Andrew Murray, Vice President Stop the War - MP3 audio file Session 2 - The Lucas Plan and the Alternative to Arms Spending Chaired by Graham Kirkwood, Newcastle Stop the War Speech by Martin Levy, President of Newcastle Trade Union Council - MP3 audio file Link to Talk Document with added resources so people can read further PDF File Speech by Roger Nettleship, Vice President South Tyneside Trade Union Council MP3 audio file Session 3 - The Bloody Legacy of the "War on Terror" Chaired by Roger Nettleship, Chair Newcastle Stop the War Speech by Alex Snowdon, President of the NEU Northern Region Syed Ullah, from Afghanistan and Newcastle Stop the War Shadia Edwards-Dashti, Officer of Stop the War MP3 audio file of the three speeches
Join Stop the War![]() Newcastle demonstration against the invasion of Afghanistan, October 2001 You can join and/ or donate to the Stop the War Coalition: Here (National Website) To keep informed or Join in the work here in the North EastClick the tab for the Mailing List and register
your email address with us and we will keep you informed of activities
and meetings. Also, you can
email us at: office@northeaststopwar.org.uk
Newcastle Stop the War - Facebook page: Here Newcastle Stop the War Coalition Twitter: @NewcstleStopWar Contact E-Mail: office@northeaststopwar.org.uk National Website: http://www.stopwar.org.uk/ Stop the War Coalition Twitter: @STWuk |
Website Produced by the Newcastle Stop the War Coalition: Email - office@northeaststopwar.org.uk ©2023 |