News 2014
The Journal Publishes Attack On Anti-War Gaza Activist
east Labour councillor Dipu Ahad who was attacked by the Israeli
Defence force when he recently visited Gaza to support the
Palestinian people and was blindfolded and beaten by Israeli soldiers
who posed with him for 'selfies' is now being attacked in the Journal
Liberal Democrat councillor
Jackie Slesenger who has withdrawn from the councils holocaust
committee used it as an excuse for attacking the councillors as
anti-semitic for
their actions in support of Gazans. But these actions, which were
supported by thousands
of people on Tyneside, were not anti-semitic or aimed against jews and
many jewish people joined the protests and meetings. Councillor
Ahad is an active member of the stop the
war coalition and has always taken a stand in defending the rights of
all in the community he represents and people both at home and abroad.
We attach below the letter of Tony Dowling from Newcastle Stop the
War to the Journal condemning this action.
Tony Dowling's Letter to the Journal
Parliament Votes for War - September 26, 2014
George Galloway Speaking in
Parliament Against Bombing of Iraq and Syria
Yesterday, September 26, MPs voted by 524 to 43 to sanction British air
strikes in Iraq, putting Britain squarely as the number one ally of the
US. This is another day of infamy in the record of successive
Westminster administrations as pro-war governments. It is another day
of infamy for the loyal opposition whose leading lights backed the
Coalition government to the hilt. As a whole, the consensus at
Westminster stands exposed as at one with the warmongering big power
states as they collude and contend for global control.
Cameron's motion to Parliament
Full debate in Parliament
Don’t Bomb
Iraq, Don’t Bomb Syria!
Statement of Newcastle Stop the War
David Cameron is planning to recall parliament on
Friday to push through a vote for the UK to join the US in bombing Iraq
and possibly Syria. This comes in the same week that Tony Blair called
for renewed bombing and the possibility of boots on the ground.

Protest at Downing Street on eveing before vote
All the experience of the terrible wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya
has shown that western military action only serves to kill thousands of
people, destroy infrastructure and inflame violence. Isis now in Syria
and Iraq is in part a product of the disastrous occupation of Iraq by
Western powers. Isis is funded by some of Britain’s main allies in the
region, including Saudi Arabia. Cameron wants to use it to get a
consensus for military intervention in the British Parliament to back
the bombing of Syria that they rejected last year.
Once again the US is violating the sovereignty of Iraq and Syria. The
supply of Western military equipment and the funding for these armed
groups must be stopped so that the people and countries of Middle East
can resolve these conflicts themselves. Demand that Parliament reject
Cameron’s plan for more war.
Don't bomb Iraq, Don't bomb
Syria. Lobby your MP
Stop the War Coalition is inviting supporters to take a stand against
British participation in US-led attacks on Iraq and Syria. This is on
the eve of Friday's Commons vote on whether to pursue such military
action. We are calling for MPs to oppose David Cameron in his bid to
take the UK into yet another military intervention in the Middle East.
Monument, Newcastle, 5.30pm on Thursday 25 September. This is exactly
the same time as the protest at Downing Street.
protest: Don't bomb Iraq, Don't bomb Syria. Lobby your MP.
- Protest Downing Street.
5.30pm Thursday 25th September.
- Lobby your MP.
Use our model letter to write to your MP. It takes
2 minutes.
Cameron is planning to recall parliament on Friday to push through a
vote for the UK to join the US in bombing Isis in Iraq and possibly
If this vote passes British forces will be back in action in Iraq just
three years after the last troops were withdrawn from the catastrophic
occupation of 2003-11. The development comes in the same week Tony
Blair called for renewed bombing in the region and the possibility of
boots on the ground.
All the experience of the terrible wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya
has shown that western military action only serves to kill innocents,
destroy infrastructure and inflame violence.
Isis is a reactionary force, but it is in part a product of the
disastrous occupation of Iraq by Western powers. Isis is funded by some
of our main allies in the region, including Saudi Arabia. Escalating
Western military intervention will do nothing to stop them but will
create more suffering and further destabilise the region.
Stop the War is calling on our supporters to protest this Thursday
evening outside Downing Street from 5.30pm till 7.30pm. Nearest tubes:
Westminster and Charing Cross.
We are
also asking supporters to immediately lobby their MPs
to vote against bombing.
Welcome to the Newcastle Stop the War Coalition Website
Formed as Tyneside Stop the War Coalition in 2001 to stop Bush and
Blair's "War on Terror" and their illegal wars and holding them
responsibile for the death of more than a million people over the last
15 years and the mayhem and destruction in Afghanistan, Iraq and the
Middle East, with millions of people, maimed, injured, forced to
emigrate and made homeless as a result.
The Stop the War coalition has continued to organise a most effective
opposition with the support of people in every part of the
country to all the wars of these warmongers as they continue their
criminal and dangerous path of world domination by war. Last year this
anti-war movement stopped the British government in its tracks by the
opposition to its plan to bomb Syria when its plans for direct military
intervention were overturned in Parliament. Today, the Stop the
War Coalition has to continually expose, and fight against the endless
false flags and false justifications given by the big powers for their
increasing indirect and direct military interventions in Syria,
Ukraine, Iraq, Africa and elsewhere. The big powers want people
to see the whole world though their false narrative about the
alleged threat of Russia, or the threat of tiny terrorist
organisations, which Britain and the US have continued to
orchestrate, arm and support when it suits them, and use as an
excuse for intervention also when it suits them. It is the Anglo
US powers and NATO that represent the greatest threat to peace in their
drive into, the Middle East, Africa and their support for Israel. In
their drive eastwards to consume eastern Europe and Russia. In the US
encirclement of China and threatening of the DPRK with nuclear armed
The Stop the War Coalition not only stands against the warmongering of
the British Government but must continue to make its contribution
for peace in the world by fighting for an anti-war government here in
Britain. That is our goal and what we mean by dealing with the
enemy at home. Get involved and join in its vital work!
September 20, 2014
Newcastle Stop the War Coalition