Author Topic: Sirte facing genocide by NATO  (Read 51826 times)


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Sirte facing genocide by NATO
« on: September 03, 2011, 09:30:21 PM »
Sirte facing genocide
Posted: 2011/09/03
From: Mathaba      
 An urgent call for people around the world to take action and call media and organizations demanding they take a stance against yet another massacre being prepared in Libya by the rebel alliance of mercenaries, terrorists and exiled monarchists with NATO support in violation of international law.
The Libyan city of Sirte and its persistent residents will be the largest genocide, again away from western news cameras.

Sirte is under siege, being starved and deprived of water, and NATO is prepared to commit mass murder, using the absence of the media this week preparing to bring back the largest number of criminals, mercenaries and prohibited weapons.

It is necessary to warn the world, is the only way for us in the various countries of the free world, particularly in capitals of member countries and their embassies, to attract more media and protest against this blatant war of aggression on Africa's wealthiest and hitherto most peaceful country.

Sirte on 1st September 2011 Celebrating Libyan Revolution Day

On 1st September 1969 Colonel Muammar Qaddafi and the Free Unitary Officers seized power in a bloodless coup from the corrupt King Idris, and for the next 10 years worked to bring about Libya's sovereignty and control of its national wealth, before leaving power in 1979, two years after the creation of the direct democracy Jamahiriya system launched on March 2nd, 1977.

Every year Libyans celebrate this event which was the first step along their freedom. This year here are images from Sirte:


Echoing comments made by Leader Gaddafi and Saif  in recent broadcasts, Libyan Jamahiriya media spokesperson, Dr Moussa Ibrahim said: "The Transitional Council and the armed gangs do not control the country. Our army still controls many regions of Libya ... We will be able to capture Tripoli back and many other cities in the near future.

"The fight is very, very far from over ... We can lead it from street to street, from house to house."

Repeating allegations that Abdel Hakim Belhadj, the NTC military commander for Tripoli, who is an al Qaeda ally and supporter, Dr Ibrahim said: "For God's sake, Tripoli is governed by ... a very famous international al Qaeda leader.

"He's a star of terrorism," he added, in comments which may resonate with some in the West who have voiced concern about the role of Islamist movements in the Arab Spring revolts in Libya and elsewhere against secular autocrats.

"The citizens of the West need to understand that their politicians are ... aligning with the most evil forces.

"Al Qaeda is fighting with NATO against us."

Dr Ibrahim said fighting would continue if the NTC and its Western allies did not accept a window of opportunity to negotiate now with the Libyan leadership : "They need to negotiate with us ... otherwise they will never have a country to govern."

A failure to talk soon could lead to "total war, not just in Libya," Ibrahim said. "God knows what consequences that will have for Europe and the northern coast of the Mediterranean".

Such fighting talk has been persistent from Muammar Gaddafi for the entire six months of the NATO-led terrorist aggression against the peaceful Libyan Jamahiriya and he still enjoys over 90% support from the Libyans as well as growing worldwide international support.

Analysts believe the threat of an Iraq-style insurgency is very real and also that the Al-Qaida elements may turn on their western masters.

Dr Moussa Ibrahim insisted: "Within even a few weeks, a few months, even a couple of years, we will have all of Libya back" under the people's control.

A Libyan man living in Scotland believes a NATO airstrike killed five members of his family in a raid which like thousands of others was meant to kill popular leader Muammar Gaddafi and others resisting the foreign occupation.

Mohi Alghazali said his relatives died in the bombing on the Libyan city of Bani Walid on Wednesday.

The airstrike came after rumours had been circulating locally that both Colonel Muammar and his son Saif Gaddafi were in Bani Walid, which is still, along with most of Libya, still in the hands of their supporters, the Jamahiriya people's power of Libya.

Western news shows images of rebels and recently arrived thousands of Libyans who were in exile in the west for many decades and who have not experienced Libya as they were from the exploitative capitalist class, and shows these images usually with lots of sky.


Mr Alghazali, who lives in Aberdeen, is calling for answers from NATO after his aunt and uncle and three of their children died in the attack.

The senior production engineer, who studied in Edinburgh for four years before moving to Aberdeen, has a lot of close family still living in Libya.

Relatives in Tripoli told him about the deaths in the airstrike, while his mother and father live in Sirte, which is Muammar Gaddafi’s home city. Sirte has been constantly under heavy NATO bombing and missile strikes but refuses to raise the rebel monarchist flag.

Mr Alghazli has contacted NATO asking for the reasons behind the airstrike, to establish whether the house his relatives were staying in was a target.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 06:45:11 PM by nestopwar »


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Re: Sirte facing genocide
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2011, 09:37:27 PM »

NATO "Luftwaffe" Strikes on Sirte Yesterday

Sorties conducted 02 SEPTEMBER: 122
Strike sorties conducted 02 SEPTEMBER: 40
*Strike sorties are intended to identify and engage appropriate targets, but do not necessarily deploy munitions each time.
Key Hits 02 SEPTEMBER:
In the vicinity of Sirte: 1 Ammo Storage Facility, 11 Surface to Air Missile Canisters, 3 Tanks, 1 Training Area
In the vicinity of Bani Walid: 1 Military Vehicle Storage Facility
In the vicinity of Hun: 1 Command and Control node, 1 Military Vehicle

3 September. Allied Joint Force Command NAPLES, SHAPE, NATO HQ
(more information:
NATO took control of all military operations for Libya under United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1970 &
1973 on 31 March 2011. The aim of Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR is to protect civilians and civilianpopulated
areas under attack or threat of attack.
The mission consists of three elements: an arms embargo, a no-fly-zone and actions to protect civilians from
attack or the threat of attack.
Over the past 24 hours, NATO has conducted the following activities associated with Operation UNIFIED
Air Operations
Since the beginning of the NATO operation (31 March 2011, 06.00GMT) a total of 21,322 sorties, including
7, 998 strike sorties*, have been conducted.
Sorties conducted 02 SEPTEMBER: 122
Strike sorties conducted 02 SEPTEMBER: 40
*Strike sorties are intended to identify and engage appropriate targets, but do not necessarily deploy munitions each time.
Key Hits 02 SEPTEMBER:
In the vicinity of Sirte: 1 Ammo Storage Facility, 11 Surface to Air Missile Canisters, 3 Tanks, 1 Training Area
In the vicinity of Bani Walid: 1 Military Vehicle Storage Facility
In the vicinity of Hun: 1 Command and Control node, 1 Military Vehicle
Arms Embargo Activities
A total of 15 ships under NATO command are actively patrolling the Central Mediterranean.
7 Vessels were hailed on 02 SEPTEMBER to determine destination and cargo. 3 boarding's ( 0 denied) were
A total of 2463 vessels have been hailed, 254 boarding's and 11 denials have been conducted since the
beginning of arms embargo operations.
International Humanitarian Assistance Movements as recorded by NATO
Total of Humanitarian Movements*916*: (air, ground, maritime)
Ships delivering Humanitarian Assistance 02 SEPTEMBER: 1
Aircrafts delivering Humanitarian Assistance 02 SEPTEMBER: 14
**Some humanitarian movements cover several days.
Command and Control
NATO’s operational commander for Operation Unified Protector is Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchard of
the Canadian Air Force. His office and staff is located at the Allied Joint Force Command Naples.`
Operational Media Update
For any operational query:
Naples Media and Information Center
Tel: +39 081 721 31 11
Duty Mob: (2200-0600hrs local / 2000-0400 GMT)
+39 355 78 32 489
Mail to:
Any other query:
NATO HQ Press Desk
Tel: +32 (0) 2 707 1010
Tel: +32 (0) 2 707 10 07
Mail to:


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Re: Sirte facing genocide
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2011, 09:16:37 PM »
NATO as reported by them Sorties conducted 03 SEPTEMBER: 107
Strike sorties conducted 03 SEPTEMBER: 48
*Strike sorties are intended to identify and engage appropriate targets, but do not necessarily deploy munitions each time.
Key Hits 03 SEPTEMBER:
In the vicinity of Sirte: 1 military barracks, 1 ammunition storage facility, 1 military police camp, 1 command and
control node, 7 surface-to-air missile canisters, 1 surface-to-air missile system, 1 self-propelled artillery piece
in the vicinity of Bani Walid: 1 ammunition storage facility
in the vicinity of Hun: 1 command and control node, 4 anti aircraft guns
in the vicinity of Buwayrat: 1 command and control node, 6 armed vehicles, 2 military barracks, 3 military supply
vehicles, 2 engineer support vehicles, 1 multiple rocket launcher.

4 September. Allied Joint Force Command NAPLES, SHAPE, NATO HQ
(more information:
NATO took control of all military operations for Libya under United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1970 &
1973 on 31 March 2011. The aim of Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR is to protect civilians and civilianpopulated
areas under attack or threat of attack.
The mission consists of three elements: an arms embargo, a no-fly-zone and actions to protect civilians from
attack or the threat of attack.
Over the past 24 hours, NATO has conducted the following activities associated with Operation UNIFIED
Air Operations
Since the beginning of the NATO operation (31 March 2011, 06.00GMT) a total of 21,429 sorties, including
8,046 strike sorties*, have been conducted.
Sorties conducted 03 SEPTEMBER: 107
Strike sorties conducted 03 SEPTEMBER: 48
*Strike sorties are intended to identify and engage appropriate targets, but do not necessarily deploy munitions each time.
Key Hits 03 SEPTEMBER:
In the vicinity of Sirte: 1 military barracks, 1 ammunition storage facility, 1 military police camp, 1 command and
control node, 7 surface-to-air missile canisters, 1 surface-to-air missile system, 1 self-propelled artillery piece
in the vicinity of Bani Walid: 1 ammunition storage facility
in the vicinity of Hun: 1 command and control node, 4 anti aircraft guns
in the vicinity of Buwayrat: 1 command and control node, 6 armed vehicles, 2 military barracks, 3 military supply
vehicles, 2 engineer support vehicles, 1 multiple rocket launcher.
Arms Embargo Activities
A total of 15 ships under NATO command are actively patrolling the Central Mediterranean.
12 Vessels were hailed on 03 SEPTEMBER to determine destination and cargo. 2 boardings ( 0 denied) were
A total of 2475 vessels have been hailed, 256 boardings and 11 denials have been conducted since the
beginning of arms embargo operations.
International Humanitarian Assistance Movements as recorded by NATO
Total of Humanitarian Movements*927*: (air, ground, maritime)
Ships delivering Humanitarian Assistance 03 SEPTEMBER: 2
Aircrafts delivering Humanitarian Assistance 03 SEPTEMBER: 9
**Some humanitarian movements cover several days.
Command and Control
NATO’s operational commander for Operation Unified Protector is Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchard of
the Canadian Air Force. His office and staff is located at the Allied Joint Force Command Naples.`
Operational Media Update
For any operational query:
Naples Media and Information Center
Tel: +39 081 721 31 11
Duty Mob: (2200-0600hrs local / 2000-0400 GMT)
+39 355 78 32 489
Mail to:


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Re: Sirte facing genocide
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2011, 12:49:23 PM »

Nato "Luftwaffe"

10 September. Allied Joint Force Command NAPLES, SHAPE, NATO HQ
(more information:
NATO took control of all military operations for Libya under United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1970 & 1973 on 31 March 2011. The aim of Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR is to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas under attack or threat of attack.
The mission consists of three elements: an arms embargo, a no-fly-zone and actions to protect civilians from attack or the threat of attack.
Over the past 24 hours, NATO has conducted the following activities associated with Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR:
Air Operations
Since the beginning of the NATO operation (31 March 2011, 06.00GMT) a total of 22,116 sorties, including 8,296 strike sorties*,have been conducted.
Sorties conducted 09 SEPTEMBER: 110
Strike sorties conducted 09 SEPTEMBER:40
*Strike sorties are intended to identify and engage appropriate targets, but do not necessarily deploy munitions each time.
Key Hits 09 SEPTEMBER:
In the vicinity of Sirte: 1 Surface to Surface Missile Facility, 1 Multiple Rocket Launcher, 1Armed Vehicle.
In the vicinity of Hun: 1 Command and Control Node.
In the vicinity of Al Jufrah: 1Military Facility.
In the vicinity of Sebha: 1Tank.
In the vicintyof BaniWalid: 1Armed Vehicle.
Arms Embargo Activities
A total of 14 ships under NATO command are actively patrolling the Central Mediterranean.
12 Vessels were hailed on 09 SEPTEMBER to determine destination and cargo. 4 boardings( 0 denied) were conducted.
A total of 2551 vessels have been hailed, 267 boardingsand 11 denials have been conducted since the beginning of arms embargo operations.
International Humanitarian Assistance Movements as recorded by NATO
Total of Humanitarian Movements**1011:(air, ground, maritime)
Ships delivering Humanitarian Assistance 09 SEPTEMBER:2
Aircrafts delivering Humanitarian Assistance 09 SEPTEMBER:9
**Some humanitarian movements cover several days.
Command and Control
NATO’s operational commander for Operation Unified Protector is Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchardof the Canadian Air Force. His office and staff is located at the Allied Joint Force Command Naples.
Operational Media Update
For any operational query:
Naples Media and Information Center
Tel: +39 081 721 31 11
Duty Mob: (2200-0600hrs local / 2000-0400 GMT) +39 355 78 32 489
Mail to:
Any other query:
NATO HQ Press Desk
Tel: +32 (0) 2 707 1010
Tel: +32 (0) 2 707 10 07
Mail to:


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Re: Sirte facing genocide
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2011, 09:51:04 AM »
Nato acts as the "Luftwaffe" for the NATO rebels.  NATO axis reports yesterday.  How many men women and children did NATO kill today.

11 September. Allied Joint Force Command NAPLES, SHAPE, NATO HQ
(more information:
NATO took control of all military operations for Libya under United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1970 & 1973 on 31 March 2011. The aim of Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR is to protect civilians and civilian-populated areas under attack or threat of attack.
The mission consists of three elements: an arms embargo, a no-fly-zone and actions to protect civilians from attack or the threat of attack.
Over the past 24 hours, NATO has conducted the following activities associated with Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR:
Air Operations
Since the beginning of the NATO operation (31 March 2011, 06.00GMT) a total of 22,228 sorties, including 8,346 strike sorties*,have been conducted.
Sorties conducted 10 SEPTEMBER: 112
Strike sorties conducted 10 SEPTEMBER:50
*Strike sorties are intended to identify and engage appropriate targets, but do not necessarily deploy munitions each time.
Key Hits 10 SEPTEMBER:
In the vicinity of Sirte: 1 set of surface to air missile canisters, 2 tanks, 2armed vehicles.
In the vicinity of Waddan: 3 anti-aircraft guns, 5surface to air missile canisters.
In the vicinity of Sebha: 1staging area.
In the vicintyof BaniWalid: 1tank, 2armed vehicles, 1multiple rocket launcher.
Arms Embargo Activities
A total of 14 ships under NATO command are actively patrolling the Central Mediterranean.
13 Vessels were hailed on 10 SEPTEMBER to determine destination and cargo. 3 boardings(0 denied) were conducted.
A total of 2564 vessels have been hailed, 270 boardingsand 11 denials have been conducted since the beginning of arms embargo operations.
International Humanitarian Assistance Movements as recorded by NATO
Total of Humanitarian Movements**1023:(air, ground, maritime)
Ships delivering Humanitarian Assistance 10 SEPTEMBER:3
Aircrafts delivering Humanitarian Assistance 10 SEPTEMBER:9
**Some humanitarian movements cover several days.
Command and Control
NATO’s operational commander for Operation Unified Protector is Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchardof the Canadian Air Force. His office and staff is located at the Allied Joint Force Command Naples.
Operational Media Update
For any operational query:
Naples Media and Information Center
Tel: +39 081 721 31 11
Duty Mob: (2200-0600hrs local / 2000-0400 GMT) +39 355 78 32 489
Mail to:
Any other query:
NATO HQ Press Desk
Tel: +32 (0) 2 707 1010
Tel: +32 (0) 2 707 10 07
Mail to:


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Re: Sirte facing genocide
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2011, 11:12:05 PM »
Besieging and Terror Bombing Sirte
Posted: 2011/09/09
From: Mathaba     
 Amnesty International has been renamed Amnesia International for its complete failure to criticize NATO massacres, deliberate starving of cities, blockades, sieges, bombing of food supplies, hospitals, and cutting off of water. Why is the world silent?
by Stephen Lendman

In his latest article, Paul Craig Roberts calls America "utterly corrupt" and "certainly no 'light unto the world.' "

In her latest article, Diana Johnstone said "Western 'democracy' is in danger of being gradually reduced to a mere ideological excuse to attack, ravage and pillage other people's countries."

It's official policy, in fact, because the business of America is war, permanent war against humanity by military, financial, political and other means.

As a result, terrorizing and destroying the Libya that was continues, focused heavily on what's called Gaddafi loyalists' last stronghold.

No matter the death, destruction and human misery already caused.

Or that Tripoli residents are now terrorized by a continuing bloodbath. Anyone believed to be pro-Gaddafi is under threat of death.

No matter also that Sirte, a city of 100,000, is being terror bombed relentlessly, perhaps intending to turn it to rubble. It wouldn't be the first time Washington and its Western allies did it. More on that below.

Sirte is also surrounded. On August 30, The New York Times said rebels gave Gaddafi loyalists until Saturday to surrender "or face military action."

On September 1, Reuters said Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC) extended the deadline one week.

Earlier, NTC spokesman Col. Ahmed Omar Bani told a Benghazi press conference:

"We have been given no indication of a peaceful surrender." After months of conflict and unknown numbers of Sirte casualties, he shamelessly added:

"We continue to seek a peaceful solution, but on Saturday we will use different methods against these criminals."

According to deputy TNC head Ali Tarhouni:

"Sometimes to avoid bloodshed you must shed blood, and the faster we do this the less blood we will shed."

In other words, another possible bloodbath may ensue, besides the toll already exacted by NATO terror bombing and rebel-instigated slaughterhouse on the ground.

Since winter, they were given license to murder, terrorize, and loot with impunity. They've taken full advantage. Sirte is their last major plum to pluck.

A previous article warned of possible massacres, saying insurgents have the city surrounded, preparing for a final assault. Moreover, anyone attempting to leave is blocked. Women and children are forced back. Men are shot in cold blood.

Information from inside the city indicates no way to bury corpses. Earlier bombing continued around the clock. Whether or not as intensive, it's ongoing, preparing the city for a ground attack.

It's also being turned to rubble, massacring unknown numbers of residents, mostly civilians. It's part of a longstanding NATO pattern, targeting noncombatants and nonmilitary related sites. Under international law, it's a war crime.

Under the 1907 Hague Regulations, Fourth Geneva, Geneva's Common Article III, and various other international laws, civilians are protected persons. So is civilian property. Attacking them is prohibited. War crimes are clearly defined. The principles of distinction and proportionality also apply:

-- distinction between combatants and military targets v. civilians and non-military ones; attacking latter ones are war crimes except when civilians take direct part in hostilities; and

-- proportionality prohibits disproportionate, indiscriminate force likely to cause damage to or loss of lives and objects.

In addition, precautions must be taken to avoid and minimize incidental loss of civilian lives, injuries to them, and damage to non-military sites. Under Fourth Geneva, they must be given "effective advance warning" and "neutralized zones" where they can be as protected as possible.

Fourth Geneva also prohibits collective punishment; the use of human shields; private property destruction; torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment; denying the population adequate amounts of food and medical supplies; and assuring free passage of all "consignments" intended for civilian purposes.

Nonetheless, in all US/NATO wars, including Libya (besides earlier ones America waged), these provisions are systematically and willfully violated.

Civilians and nonmilitary related sites are considered legitimate targets, while Western powers spuriously claim every effort is made to spare them.

In fact, NATO, political Washington, and media scoundrels are serial liars, complicit in advancing America's imperium by destroying countries one at a time or in multiples.

No matter that international law permits war only in self-defense. Moreover, only Congress can declare it, not the president overtly, covertly or any other way for any reason unless America is attacked.

In addition, the principle of non-intervention (a cornerstone of international law pertaining to national sovereignty) prohibits meddling in the internal affairs of other countries as stipulated in the UN Charter's Article 2(7) stating:

"Nothing contained in the present charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under Chapter VII," pertaining to threats to peace, its breaches, or acts of aggression.

Before it ends (besides what was done to Tripoli and other Libyan cities), Sirte may become another of history's most infamous terror bombing victims.

A previous article discussed earlier ones, including:

-- Guernica - 1937;

-- the London Blitz - 1940 - 41;

-- Dresden - 1945;

-- Tokyo - 1945;

-- Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 1945;

-- North Korea - 1950 - 53;

-- Southeast Asia - 1964 - 73;

-- Iraq - 1991 to the present;

-- Serbia/Kosovo - 1999;

-- Afghanistan - 2001 to the present; 

-- Lebanon - 1982 and 2006; and

-- Gaza - 2008 - 09.

Strategic bombing involves destroying an adversary's economic and military ability to wage war. It targets its war making capacity and related infrastructure.

Terror bombing is another matter. Against civilians it's to break their morale, cause panic, weaken their will to resist, and inflict mass casualties and punishment - no matter how lawless.

The London Blitz

Famed WW II war correspondent Ernie Pyle described a 1940 London night raid as follows:

"It was a night when London was ringed and stabbed with fire. They came just after dark, and somehow you could sense from the quick, bitter firing of the guns that there was to be no monkey business this night."

"Shortly after the sirens wailed you could hear the Germans grinding overhead. In my could feel the shake from the guns. You could hear (explosions) tearing buildings apart....You have all seen big fires, but I doubt if you have ever seen the whole horizon of a city lined with great fires - scores of them, perhaps hundreds....Every two minutes, a new wave of planes would be over...."

"Later on, I went out among the fires....London stabbed with great fires, shaken by explosions....all of it roofed over with a ceiling of pink that held bursting shells, balloons, flares and the grind of vicious engines. (It was) the most hateful, most beautiful single scene I have ever known."

London wasn't the only city attacked. Besides military sites, so were Dublin, Manchester, Liverpool, Belfast, Birmingham, Sheffield, Plymouth, Nottingham, Southhampton, Bristol, Cardiff, Clydebank, Coventry, Greencock, Swansea, and Hull.

This happened, of course, before nukes, smart bombs, cruise missiles, and other hellish legal and illegal US and NATO weapons freely used lawlessly against nonbelligerent countries, including civilians and nonmilitary targets.

Firebombing Tokyo

Another example was America's firebombing of Tokyo. The first raid came on February 24, 1945 when 174 planes destroyed one square mile of the city.

The major attack came days later on March 9 when 279 Superforts demolished 16 square city miles, killed an estimated 100,000 in the firestorm, injured many more, and left over one million homeless.

Around five dozen other Japanese cities were also firebombed at a time most structures there were wooden and easily consumed. And for what?

Early in 1945, Japan extended peace feelers. Then, two days before the February Yalta Conference, Douglas MacArthur sent Roosevelt a 40-page summary of its terms.

They were near-unconditional. Japan would accept an occupation, cease hostilities, surrender its arms, remove all troops from occupied territories, submit to criminal war trials, and allow its industries to be regulated. In return, they asked only that their Emperor be retained in an honorable capacity.

Roosevelt spurned the offer. So did Truman. Tokyo was first firebombed. Then in August, atom bombs were used for the first time against Hiroshima and Nagasaki, gratuitously when Japan was largely destroyed and near collapse. Combined, they took a horrendous toll from immediate death and later radiation poisoning.

It culminated the Pacific conflict John Dower called "War Without Mercy" in his book by that title.

The Crime of Fallujah

One chapter of America's destruction of Iraq deserves highlighting - its shocking war crimes in Fallujah. They're a snapshot of Washington's ruthless quest to destroy human life for profit and dominance.

In September 2010, the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) issued a report titled, "Testimonies of Crimes Against Humanity in Fallujah: Towards a Fair International Criminal Trial." Citing the city's deteriorating conditions, it said:

"From the (2003) outset and at the start of the indiscriminate and merciless campaign of collective punishment and willful destruction, undertaken by the occupational troops of the United States of America," innocent civilians endured an "inhumane siege and indiscriminate killing" during April and May 2004.

"The genocidal massacres" included "sustained and targeted bombing(s), aimed directly at the homes of defenseless civilians," killing and maiming hundreds on the bogus pretext of "pursuing the leaders of the resistance."

A November/December massacre followed, killing, wounding, and maiming thousands more, many others still missing or displaced.

Between the two Fallujah battles, US forces kept bombing residential and industrial areas with 500 kg and cluster bombs. Negotiations to halt hostilities failed. Pentagon forces spurned peace. They chose mass slaughter and destruction instead, murdering innocent civilians maliciously.

Thousands of others were arrested, kept in cages, some forced to clean up the city to erase evidence of US crimes. Hundreds of those detained went to Abu Ghraib and Basra's Boukah Prison. Many died there from torture and ill treatment.

It was willful, malevolent carnage. Innocent civilians were targeted in violation of fundamental international laws, ones America always flouts disdainfully.

Witnesses confirmed mass slaughter of unarmed civilians inside houses and mosques. Some were shot after being handcuffed. Others were blown up inside their own homes.

Many children saw their parents shot. Adults witnessed spouses and children killed. Both Iraqi National Guards and US Marines participated in looting homes and stores. Thousands of others were destroyed. A government committee found 26,000 houses damaged, another 3,000 completely demolished, including 70 mosques, 50 schools, the city's power plant providing electricity, 50% of the drinking water distribution system, and 70% of the sewer system.

Overall, indiscriminate slaughter and destruction occurred, followed by looting, mass arrests, torture, and deaths from ill treatment, as well as vast environmental contamination. As a result, a significant increase in cancer and congenital malformations followed.

The crime of Fallujah and all Iraq continues. So does Afghanistan and all US imperial wars, including against Libya.

Others one day will recount its full story, another merciless war like all others post-WW II against  nonbelligerent countries.

WW I was called "The war to end all wars."

The 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact (also called the General Treaty for the Renunciation of War or the World Peace Act) renounced aggressive war as "an instrument of national policy," except for self-defense.

The UN Charter's Preamble begins saying:

"We the Peoples of the United Nations Determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind...."

America and its NATO allies renounced what's codified in law, waging permanent wars against humanity for total imperial dominance.

Libyans understand. Ask them. They'll explain. Under planned NATO occupation, their liberating struggle just began.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at

Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


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Re: Sirte facing genocide
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2011, 04:40:56 PM »
Another daily report by the  NATO terrorists who are spearheading the criminal bombing campaign against Libya.  Whilst they have killed thousands of people who refuse to submit to the "rebels" they support, they dress  up their crimes with this fiction of "military targets"    For "Command and contol node" read hospital school or residence. Of course they are running out of universities and other public buildings to bomb.

Some people think that these are mistakes, "mission creep" etc.  There is no legality even under their own UN security council resolution to engage in this bombing of Sirte or anywhere else in Libya.  Once a criminal path is taken it only gets worse. Because the majority of the population supported the government of Libya and not the insurgents NATO is trying to terroise the population into submission just as in Falluja in Iraq and in Helmund in Afghanistan to impose its "free and fair elections" so it can seize the fruits of the Libyan people labour of over 40 years of development.  Much of which they have destroyed with their bombs.

Down with Nato and the Anglo-US and French imperialists. Your crimes against the peoples of former Yugoslavia, of Afghanistan, Iraq and now Libya will never be forgiven by the peace loving people for the world!

Air Operations
Since the beginning of the NATO operation (31 March 2011, 06.00GMT) a total of 22,342 sorties, including 8,390 strike sorties*, have been conducted.
Sorties conducted 11 SEPTEMBER: 114
Strike sorties conducted 11 SEPTEMBER: 44
*Strike sorties are intended to identify and engage appropriate targets, but do not necessarily deploy munitions each time.
Key Hits 11 SEPTEMBER:
In the vicinity of Sirte: 1 Military Logistic Facility, 1 Command and Control Node, 1 Radar System, 3 Surface to Air Missile Systems, 7 Armed Vehicles.
In the vicinity of Waddan: 4 Anti-Aircraft Guns.
In the vicinity of Sebha: 1 Command and Control Node.
Arms Embargo Activities

12 September. Allied Joint Force Command NAPLES, SHAPE, NATO HQ
(more information:
NATO took control of all military operations for Libya under United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1970 & 1973 on 31 March 2011. The aim of Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR is to protect civilians and civilian- populated areas under attack or threat of attack.
The mission consists of three elements: an arms embargo, a no-fly-zone and actions to protect civilians from attack or the threat of attack.
Over the past 24 hours, NATO has conducted the following activities associated with Operation UNIFIED PROTECTOR:
Air Operations
Since the beginning of the NATO operation (31 March 2011, 06.00GMT) a total of 22,342 sorties, including 8,390 strike sorties*, have been conducted.
Sorties conducted 11 SEPTEMBER: 114
Strike sorties conducted 11 SEPTEMBER: 44
*Strike sorties are intended to identify and engage appropriate targets, but do not necessarily deploy munitions each time.
Key Hits 11 SEPTEMBER:
In the vicinity of Sirte: 1 Military Logistic Facility, 1 Command and Control Node, 1 Radar System, 3 Surface to Air Missile Systems, 7 Armed Vehicles.
In the vicinity of Waddan: 4 Anti-Aircraft Guns.
In the vicinity of Sebha: 1 Command and Control Node.
Arms Embargo Activities
A total of 14 ships under NATO command are actively patrolling the Central Mediterranean.
18 Vessels were hailed on 11 SEPTEMBER to determine destination and cargo. 3 boardings (0 denied) were conducted.
A total of 2582 vessels have been hailed, 273 boardings and 11 denials have been conducted since the beginning of arms embargo operations.
International Humanitarian Assistance Movements as recorded by NATO
Total of Humanitarian Movements**1065: (air, ground, maritime)
Ships delivering Humanitarian Assistance 11 SEPTEMBER: 0
Aircrafts delivering Humanitarian Assistance 11 SEPTEMBER: 42
**Some humanitarian movements cover several days.
Command and Control
NATO’s operational commander for Operation Unified Protector is Lieutenant-General Charles Bouchard of the Canadian Air Force. His office and staff is located at the Allied Joint Force Command Naples.
Operational Media Update
For any operational query:
Naples Media and Information Center
Tel: +39 081 721 31 11
Duty Mob: (2200-0600hrs local / 2000-0400 GMT) +39 355 78 32 489
Mail to:
Any other query:
NATO HQ Press Desk
Tel: +32 (0) 2 707 1010
Tel: +32 (0) 2 707 10 07
Mail to:
« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 04:53:25 PM by nestopwar »


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Re: Sirte facing genocide
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2011, 08:23:30 PM »
Bani Walid: NATO commits massacre in the name of democracy
Posted: 2011/09/15
From: Source     
 Commentary from Thomas Mathew

HeyU Quality Ads
Thomas Mathew writes from London: "Pardon my French, but has NATO gone f..king nuts in Libya, whacking people in the name of democracy? We are now witnessing a massacre from the air in Bani Walid, with a population of 100,000 people.

The rebels had given the people in Bani Walid an ultimatum some time ago: surrender, or we move in. Obviously, no one had surrendered, simply because for them it would be like committing suicide. And now the rebels have started their assault, and the city's terrified population, the very one that NATO is supposed to protect, is now the target of bombings and shellings.

This is about as far from what the UN Security Council resolution on Libya has sanctioned as it gets. (By the way, don't you just love how that creep Ban Ki Moon and his sidekicks are keeping quiet about the mayhem in Libya?). Do you want me to remind you what UN resolution 1973 said? No, well I'll still do it, for the sake of proving that trigger happy NATO generals have lost their marbles completely, along with their political masters.

Here's what the UN document says, in its most relevant parts:

(The UN) Authorizes Member States that have notified the Secretary-General, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, and acting in cooperation with the Secretary-General, to take all necessary measures to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory, and requests the Member States concerned to inform the Secretary-General immediately of the measures they take pursuant to the authorization conferred by this paragraph which shall be immediately reported to the Security Council.

The part about 'protecting civilians and civilian populated areas' doesn't mention any armed rebels or militias or anyone else involved in the fighting. And you probably also noticed the bit about 'excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory'.

But there's more. The resolution says in paragraph 13 that makes the current situation looking like it got out of control:

Calls upon all Member States, in particular States of the region, acting nationally or through regional organisations or arrangements, in order to ensure strict implementation of the arms embargo established by paragraphs 9 and 10 of resolution 1970 (2011), to inspect in their territory, including seaports and airports, and on the high seas, vessels and aircraft bound to or from the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, if the State concerned has information that provides reasonable grounds to believe that the cargo contains items the supply, sale, transfer or export of which is prohibited by paragraphs 9 or 10 of resolution 1970 (2011) as modified by this resolution, including the provision of armed mercenary personnel, calls upon all flag States of such vessels and aircraft to cooperate with such inspections and authorises Member States to use all measures commensurate to the specific circumstances to carry out such inspections.

So there you have it: all arms shipments to Libya are banned by the UN and no foreign troops are allowed on its soil. And yet, we are told by NATO, that as the resolution states that all necessary measures can be taken to protect the civilians, the rest is not really all that important. So arms are delivered to the rebels and NATO's special forces are operating on the ground in Libya. Not to mention that that the boys from CIA have been there for months.

And you know what else is important in the UN resolution 1973? It contains no mention of so-called regime change. None at all. Not a hint. It does mention 'facilitating dialogue to lead to the political reforms necessary to find a peaceful and sustainable solution', yes. But not a word about 'regime change'.

So what we are seeing now is basically NATO doing whatever it pleases in Libya. So how's it 'better than Gaddafi'?"



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Re: Sirte facing genocide
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2011, 05:35:18 PM »
Planned Peacekeeper Occupation of Libya - by Stephen Lendman

The peacekeepers are coming! The peacekeepers are coming! War, mass killing and destruction continue, but they're coming!

In fact, paramilitaries are coming to kill and terrorize Libyans wanting liberation, not occupation.

A blind eye won't notice mass rapes and sex trafficking, as well as other atrocities and crimes. They're commonplace, in fact, when Blue Helmets show up, operating as they please with impunity. More on that below.

Moreover, when they come they don't leave as long as imperial powers want them there. Citizens of occupied countries have no say nor any rights. Their choice is obey or else.

Libya's corpse belongs to NATO. It's now Libya, Inc. to be carved up for profit with paramilitaries deployed for enforcement.

Under the UN Charter, the Security Council may act to maintain international peace and security, including by deploying peacekeepers host countries request.

The UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations then enlists member states to provide contingents once the Security Council approves.

In place, they're supposed to restore order, monitor the withdrawal of combatants, maintain peace and security, build confidence, enforce power-sharing agreements, provide electoral support, aid reconstruction, uphold the rule of law, facilitate economic and social development, help provide essential needs, and remain in place until government officials take over on their own.

A previous article called them occupiers, serving power, not popular interests in Haiti, South Lebanon, Rwanda, Kosovo, Bosnia, DRC Congo, Sudan, Somalia, various other countries, and its initial UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) since 1948.

Like elsewhere, it, too, failed to bring peace to Palestine. Yet it's still there, performing no active role. In fact, it opposes the interests of the people they're sworn to protect.

Since 1948, dozens of "peacekeeping" missions did more harm than good. At present, 16 Blue Helmet operations are deployed on four continents. They include:
• UNMISS in South Sudan, beginning on July 9, 2011 after the country was balkanized as part of an imperial scheme to prevent African unity, and exploit its resources - mainly oil;

• UNISFA in Sudan's Abysei region bordering the North and South, beginning on June 27, 2011;

• MONUSCO in the Democratic Republic of Congo, replacing an earlier MONUC operation on July 1, 2010;

• UNAMID in Darfur, beginning July 31, 2007;

• UNOCI in Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), beginning April 4, 2004;

• UNMIL in Liberia, beginning September 19, 2003;

• MINURSO in Western Sahara since 1991;

• UNMIT in Timor-Leste since 2006;

• UNMOGIP Observer Group in India and Pakistan since 1949;

• UNAMA (special political) Assistance Mission in Afghanistan since March 2011;

• UNFICYP in Cyprus since 1964;

• UNMIK in Kosovo since 1999;

• UNDOF in Golan since 1974;

• UNIFIL in Lebanon since 1978;

• UNTSO in Palestine since 1948; and

• MINUSTAH in Haiti since 2004 after US marines ousted democratically elected Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

From inception, it had no legitimacy. In fact, it was the first time UN occupiers enforced coup d'etat authority against an elected president, instead of staying out or backing his right to return.

MINUSTAH, in fact, symbolizes the sham hypocrisy of all Blue Helmet missions and why occupied people deplore them.

UNIFIL in Lebanon never established peace and security. It did little more than take up space or get out of the way when Israel attacked.

UNMIK in Kosovo hid the grim reality of NATO terror bombing, mass killing, destruction, and balkanization of Serbia.

In fact, it collaborated with Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) thugs, its leader Hashim Thaci, and their connection to organized crime. In January 2008, Thaci, in fact, became Kosovo's illegitimate prime minister, a gangster running a rogue state.

MONUSCO in Congo never brought peace and security. It facilitated the plunder of Africa's most resource-rich country. It did nothing to stop the immiseration of millions, nor was it deployed to do so.

Credible reports, in fact, linked Blue Helmet forces with mass rapes and other atrocities.

The same ugly story repeats wherever Blue Helmets show up. In December 2004, London Times reports suggested UN staffers committed 150 or more sex crimes, including selling pornographic videos and photos, images of their handiwork.

Congolese women and girls were raped. Congo's Minister of Defense, Major General Jean Pierre Ondekane, said peacekeepers in Kisangani would be remembered "for running after little girls," not doing their job.

Two or more UN officials left after impregnating local women. In fact, sex trafficking, abuse and rape are commonplace wherever Blue Helmets are deployed.

They have power. Occupied people don't. Who'll stop them no matter what they do. They take full advantage, terrorizing local people with impunity.

On November 5, 2009, the London Independent published Bradley Klapper's AP report headlined, "Fifty UN peacekeepers punished for sex abuses," saying:

At least 50 were involved in "committing sexual abuses (and exploitation) on United Nations missions since 2007, the UN said today."

On February 10, 2009, New York Times writer Neil MacFarquhar headlined, "In Peacekeeping, a Muddling of the Mission," saying:

Besides earlier failures, "the most noticeable (recent ones include) the inability of troops in Congo and the Darfur region of Sudan to stop the violence that is killing civilians."

In Congo, for example, Blue Helmets near an area where 150 people were killed, "did not intervene," citing reasons without credibility.

On September 7, 2011, MacFarquhar headlined, "Peacekeepers' Sex Scandals Linger, On Screen and Off," saying:

UN missions have a notorious history of "sex scandals from Bosnia to the Democratic Republic of Congo to Haiti....forc(ing) the United Nations to change the way it handles accusations of trafficking, rape and related crimes."

This week, in fact, hundreds of angry Haitians demanded MINUSTAH forces leave after troops raped a teenage male.

Human rights experts and others accuse the UN of coverup and denial instead of strong disciplinary action against offenders.

In January 2009, Save the Children reported Blue Helmet abuses. They included trading food for sex with girls as young as eight in Liberia. Similar practices are common in Burundi, Ivory Coast, East Timor, DR Congo, Cambodia, and Bosnia. Various other reports cite sex with young girls, rape and trafficking.

On July 16, 2009, IPS writer Marina Litvinsky headlined, "Rape by Regular Army a Growing Problem, HRW (Human Rights Watch) Says," stating:

In DR Congo alone, "tens of thousands of women and girls have suffered horrific acts of sexual violence at the hands of the government army," according to a new report, titled "Soldiers Who Rape, Commanders Who Condone: Sexual Violence and Military Reform in the Democratic Republic of Congo."

Little is done to stop it or hold culpable peacekeepers accountable. As a result, Congolese women and girls are ravaged with impunity. So are others most everywhere peacekeepers show up.

As a result, people live in constant fear that forces allegedly sent to help them will inflict harm.

In September 2009, Kathleen M. Jennings and Vesna Nikolic-Rstanovic prepared the MICROCON (Micro Level Analysis of Violent Conflict) Research Working Paper 17, titled, "UN Peacekeeping Economies and Local Sex Industries: Connections and Implications."

Examining Blue Helmet missions in Bosnia, Kosovo, Liberia, and Haiti, the paper examined "the interplay between the peacekeeping economy and the sex industry, including domestic sex work, trafficking for sexual exploitation, and sex tourism."

Despite UN "zero tolerance," officials haven't stopped decades of serious abuses. According to MICROCON:

It "suggests that the existence and potential long-term perpetuation of a highly gendered peacekeeping economy threatens to undermine, if not actively contradict, the goals and objectives to gender roles and relations that are generally an implicit or explicit component of most contemporary peace operations."

In fact, sex trafficking and exploitation is wide-ranging, including slavery and prostitution. The UN calls it "transactional sex," involving peacekeepers.

In countries like Bosnia and Kosovo, "domestic sex work and sex trafficking have become a seemingly permanent part of the" economy. Their peacekeeping missions affect both supply and demand. They "effectively creat(e) avenues (for) trafficking of women for sexual exploitation into/through these areas."

Organized crime also gets involved. The prevalence of rape and sex slavery increases. Women and young girls are brutally exploited, and "documented cases of UN soldiers (show) that, far from helping the victims," they become clients or otherwise are implicated in the trade.

Former prisoners said they saw girls forced into UN vehicles and driven away. International military and civilian personnel are directly involved in the sex industry, including trafficking.

A 2002 Turin Conference on Trafficking, Slavery and Peacekeeping report said "peacekeepers are often part of the problem." Connected to organized crime, it's well known that human trafficking provides "an important revenue source."

UN "zero tolerance" is more rhetoric than policy. Wherever they're deployed, peacekeepers serve power, not populations they're mandated to protect.

Libya Soon to Be Occupied

Libyans will now experience what other UN occupied countries fear. They already live through daily hell as war rages. Insurgents are murdering anyone thought to be pro-Gaddafi. Black African guest workers are especially vulnerable.

On September 15, Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, Philip Gordon, gloated about another imperial trophy, saying:

The Libya operation is "in many ways a model on how the United States can lead the way that allows allows allies to support."

"What is new about Libya is the approach that the United States would do an initial phase that only the United States could do, and then that Europeans were playing a leading role in certain aspects."

In fact, Pentagon commanders are fully in charge. US forces continue playing a leading role without publicly "taking center stage." In all wars involving America, it leads, never follows, or plays back seat to any other nation.

No matter who's out in front publicly, Washington's fully in charge. It didn't matter that Cameron and Sarkozy showed up in Tripoli yesterday, not Obama. He did his gloating at home.

The British and French leaders did theirs at a press conference with National Transitional Council (NTC) puppet head Mustafa Jabril, a figurehead stooge for Washington.

Given continuing violence in the capital, they didn't stay long. Heavy security also accompanied their arrival and departure. NTC officials said they'll stay in Benghazi until NATO's campaign ends.

However, it may not be over when it's over. Divisions in the ranks of victors are emerging. Islamist leaders openly criticize Jabril. AP reported that Tripoli military council spokesman Anes Sharif called for his resignation, saying:

"He's been living for the last six months outside the country. He is appointing people depending on their loyalty to him, not depending on their worth and their activities in the revolution. We think he's a project for a new dictator."

Muslim cleric Ali al-Sallabi made similar comments. So have others. On August 30, New York Times writers David Kirkpatrick and Rod Norland headlined, "Tripoli Divided as Rebels Jostle to Fill Power Vacuum," saying:

"There are growing hints of rivalry among the various brigades over who deserves credit for 'liberating' the city and the influence it might bring."

Open divisions within rebel leadership ranks emerged, "but also between secularists and Islamists."

Internal power struggles "illustrate the challenge a new provisional government will face in trying to unify Libya's fractious political landscape."

Given considerable tribal influence, greater fissures may emerge for something much different than what Washington has in mind, and for sure ordinary Libyans who yearn for former peace and stability under Gaddafi.

Moreover, Islamists and secularists have conflicting visions of a new Libya. Abdel Hakim Belhaj, a former Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) Al Qaeda leader/now CIA asset heading rebel forces in Tripoli, openly criticized Jabril. A close aid said he'll "be gone soon."

Ali Sallabi, Etilaf head, an Islamist umbrella group, called for his resignation, accusing him and other NTC officials of planned profiteering and "a new era of tyranny and dictatorship."

On September 14, Times writers Kirkpatrick and Norland headlined, "Islamists Growing Sway Raises Questions for Libya," saying:

At issue is "the ultimate character of the government and society that will rise in place of (Gaddafi)."

Likely conflict-producing power struggles may prove more troublesome than whether secularists or Islamists prevail. In various countries, Washington has allies in both camps. At issue only is if they're client or independent states. Gaddafi's "sin" was the latter.

Whoever finally takes charge, protracted conflict will continue after NATO declares victory and stops bombing.

So far it continues unabated. According to Cameron, "We must keep up with the NATO mission until civilians are all protected and this work is finished."

Given the massive death and injury toll, there may not be many left or a Libya fit to live in when terror bombing and rebel rampaging ends.

Nonetheless, Sarkozy said, "We have done what we did because we thought it was the right thing to do."

They committed grievous crimes of war and against humanity. It's ongoing serial killing on an industrial scale.

It won't stop across the region soon. According to General Carter Ham, AFRICOM commander, new campaigns ahead are planned to control all Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

As a result, expect NATO's killing machine to select new countries to destroy as part of its "responsibility to protect humanitarian mission."

In fact, it's to colonize and exploit the entire area, carving it up for profit.

Like Afghans and Iraqis, Libyans know what happens when NATO shows up. At least, those still alive can explain it.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at

Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


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Re: Sirte facing genocide
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2011, 03:29:21 PM »
Nato strikes 'kill 354', says Gaddafi's spokesman

By Kim Sengupta outside Bani Walid

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Nato air strikes during Friday night killed a total of 354 people in the loyalist stronghold of Sirte, Colonel Gaddafi's birthplace, the former spokesman for the Libyan regime claimed yesterday.

The bombing of the city's main hotel and an apartment block left 700 injured with 89 others missing, according to Moussa Ibrahim, who is believed to be in the city currently under siege from rebel forces. There were no independent means to verify the report, with Sirte effectively cut off since Gaddafi was overthrown.

Colonel Roland Lavoie, chief spokesman for Nato's Libya mission, said: "We are aware of these allegations. It is not the first time they have been made. Most often, they are revealed to be unfounded or inconclusive."

Mr Ibrahim, one of the few members of the former regime – along with Gaddafi and his son Saif al-Islam – who has continued to make public statements, also maintained that "in the past 17 days, more than 2,000 residents of the city of Sirte were killed in Nato air strikes".

Colonel Gaddafi was still in Libya "leading all aspects of the struggle", according to Mr Ibrahim.

Meanwhile at Bani Walid, another regime stronghold, rebel forces were said to be "regrouping" yesterday after retreating out of the town on Friday evening.


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Re: Sirte facing genocide
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2011, 06:43:37 PM »
According to the NATO operational update for 16th and 17th September:

Key Hits 16 SEPTEMBER: In the vicinity of Sirte: 5 Command and Controle Nodes, 3 Radar Systems, 4 Armed Vehicles, 8 Air Missile Systems.

Key Hits 17 SEPTEMBER:
In the vicinity of Sirte: 2 Command and Control Nodes, 4 Multiple Rocket Launchers, 1 Armed Vehicle, 4 Surface to Air Missile Systems.

Moussa Ibrahim, in a call from a satellite phone to Reuters office in Tunis on Saturday 17th September, said:

“NATO attacked the city of Sirte last night with more than 30 rockets directed at the city’s main hotel and the Tamin building, which consists of more than 90 residential flats.

“The result is more than 354 dead and 89 still missing and almost 700 injured in one night.”

“In the last 17 days more than 2,000 residents of the city of Sirte were killed in NATO air strikes.”
Spokesman Colonel Roland Lavoie’s gave NATO’s official response:

We are aware of these allegations, it is not the first time such allegations have been made. Most often, they are revealed to be unfounded or inconclusive.”

It has not been released how many tons of bombs the NATO bombers have dropped in the vicinity of Sirte during this conflict, but it probably exceeds the 40 tons dropped by the Condor Legion on Guernica.

The League of Nations was entirely ineffective in defending civilian areas from being bombed during the Spanish Civil War and it remains to be seen if the United Nations will prove any better in this conflict.

Evidence of damage to civilian buildings in Sirte:
And more…

Reported bombing of SIRT local radio station 17/09/2011:

And civilian casualties, including women and children, in hospital:

To try and influence the Security Council members we ask our readers to participate in the Stop Bombing email campaign.


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Re: Sirte facing genocide by NATO
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2011, 07:30:31 AM »
Cameron On Follow That Camel
Aircraftman Cameron and Sarkozy are in Benghazi taking the applause of cheering tribal warriors. Sarkozy looks a bit nervous, as though scared he might meet the English rugby team at a dwarf hurling evening. Cameron looks a bit dazed, probably not sure what applause is. Aaah, that heady moment of triumph! Just like George Bush and Mission Accomplished!

Now those delightful oil contracts to sort out.

Elsewhere, Libyans who foolishly fail to agree with them are being bombed to pieces by NATO. Presumably, once anyone who might hold a different view is dead, it will be safe to hold a democratic election.


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Re: Sirte facing genocide by NATO
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2011, 07:29:09 PM »
Dr. Moussa Ibrahim spoke with Reuters yesterday, he slammed the brutal mass murder of NATO over night. At least 151 innocent women and children were killed in Sirte, this is what they call saving civilian lives. The media has gone predominantly silent, for what ever reason, one thing is for sure, the media is fully complicit with these crimes against humanity, alongside UN and other world bodies.

Dr. Ibrahim also spoke about the irony of Monarch flag being raised in the UN compound, he said that Palestinians have been asking for a UN seat for 60 years, and still waiting, but a bunch of thugs who control not even 20% of the country, helped with foreign aggressors are given a seat. All UN credibility is mute.

Confirmation comes regarding NATO Mercenaries who were trapped, gained heavy casualties in Sabha and fled. At least 45 killed and hundreds captured, the green flag still flying over Sabha according to new reports.

22/sept/11 Source from within Libya state that many NATO mercenaries have been captured by the Tarhuna Tribe, and the Tribe promised to continue fighting until every inch of the town is liberated, and all remnants of Mercenaries are kicked out.

Previously scenes of celebrations were reported in Tarhuna as thousands sang and cheered at the cover of the night, joyful faces emerged, waving green flag and chanting pro-Jamahariya slogans.

Rape was just one of many brutal tools used by NATO mercenaries to silence Libyans, and force them in to submission. Many brutal cases emerged, but no organization condemned such atrocities, nor promised to hold NATO responsible for the atrocities.

Cases after cases of brutal and merciless rapes in the hands of NATO mercenaries came forward, but the media completely silent.

Instead the media with International organizations fabricated stories about the Libyan Government using rape as a weapon of war, which was quickly sent to rubbish as a fabricated lie.



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Re: Sirte facing genocide by NATO
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2011, 07:45:14 AM »
Crimes of NATO on Sirte people


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Re: Sirte facing genocide by NATO
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2011, 09:13:31 PM »

Kweildi Family: Murdered by American-European Bombs