Author Topic: No Military Intervention in Libya!  (Read 6248 times)


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No Military Intervention in Libya!
« on: March 17, 2011, 09:03:08 PM »
No Military Intervention in Libya!
With the US already backing the intervention of the Saudi states in Bahrain to suppress the people, now the US, Britain and France are using the fig leaf of their allies in the "Arab League" to support an all out attack on Libya. The call for a "no fly zone" is an excuse to carry out not just a no fly zone but a full scale military intervention in Libya. Yet again they are pursuing a plan for another illegal regime change in Libya which they have failed to secure by other means.

David Cameron was an Anglo-US champion of this approach by touring the region selling arms to dictators at the very moment of maximum repression and calling for intervention and regime change in Libya. This approach of Cameron has not changed from Blair and the pro-war consensus in Westminster remains. Cameron wants to out do Blair in presenting his war plans as "humanitarian". The clamour to intervene in Libya is about robbing the Libyan people of their oil and of their freedom. It has nothing to do with concern about the civil war in Libya between the government forces and the opposition. It has nothing to do with bringing about a peaceful solution. On the contrary the British government is fanning the flames in the most criminal manner. Such interference by these powers is at the root of the region's troubles. The future of Libya and the other states in the region must be determined by the people of those countries alone. No Military Intervention in Libya!

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