Author Topic: Stall - Saturday 5th December, 1pm Grey's Monument  (Read 6642 times)


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Stall - Saturday 5th December, 1pm Grey's Monument
« on: December 04, 2009, 08:07:22 PM »
Stall - Saturday 5th December, 1pm Grey's Monument
There will be a stall at Grey's Monument for each of the next three Saturdays in order to maximise the numbers of signatures on the 'Bring the Troops Home' petition (see below), which Military Families Against the War will be handing in to 10 Downing St on 21st December. Please try to join us either tomorrow or one of the subsequent two Saturdays.

PLEASE PULL OUT STOPS ON THE PETITION There are just two weeks left before the deadline for the Bring the Troops Home petition, which will be delivered by military families and supporters to Gordon Brown at Downing Street on Monday 21 December. Some local Stop the War groups have responded magnificently in recent weeks, collecting thousands of signatures. With the Obama/Brown troop surge raising the stakes even higher for the Afghanistan, it is very important that every local group does all it can to collect signatures before the deadline, on street stalls, at workplaces, community centres, colleges etc.

The military families protest and handing in of the petition at Downing Street is the prelude to a hectic campaigning year for Stop the War, with plans for events now being put in place for the months running up to the general election, likely to be in the Spring.

Please make collecting signatures for the petition and encouraging all your supporters to sign it online, an urgent focus for your group in the next two weeks. BRING THE TROOPS HOME PETITION:

Sign online: Download to print and collect signatures: Petition