Author Topic: World Conference to Criminalise War: 13 Days to Launch  (Read 8230 times)


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World Conference to Criminalise War: 13 Days to Launch
« on: October 16, 2009, 02:14:24 PM »
World Conference to Criminalise War: 13 Days to Launch
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Mathaba) An international popular conference and exhibition 'Expose War Crimes - Criminalise War: Failure of International Law" is to take place in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia, in 13 days time.

The conference which is to take place from 28 to 29 October after opening on the evening of 27th and followed by a War Crimes Tribunal on 30th and 31st October, with 2 days for guests and delegates to further meet meet before departure around November 2, is open to all citizens of the world.

Organised by the Perdana Global Peace Organization and the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War, it is to feature a keynote opening speech by Elder Statesman Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, and will include addresses and testimony by lawyers, peace activists, and victims of war.

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, 84, was Asia's longest serving prime minister of Malaysia and has been active along with gathering numbers of peace, law and human rights activists in demanding that waging war be a crime. Currently killing up to one hundred people results usually in severe punishment, but killing hundreds, thousands or even millions of people is awarded by medals and promotions.

In recent history in particular the United States and Britain have engaged in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan under the guise of fighting terrorism, whilst deliberately misinforming their populations about threats and with ulterior motives that include the control of oil and water supplies.

Mathaba News Agency will be giving special live coverage reports throughout the event, which readers can follow via Mathaba.Net, RSS, Email, Twitter, Facebook, Mobile or via additional tools. -- Mathaba


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Re: World Conference to Criminalise War: 13 Days to Launch
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2009, 07:38:14 AM »
British MP George Galloway to Address World Peace Conference
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Mathaba) An international popular conference and exhibition "Expose War Crimes - Criminalise War: Failure of International Law" is to take place in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia.

The conference will be held from 28 to 29 October after opening on the evening of 27th and is to be followed by a War Crimes Tribunal on 30th and 31st October, with 2 days for guests and delegates to further meet meet before departure around November 2. It is open to all citizens of the world.

Organised by the Perdana Global Peace Organization and the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War, the conference is to feature a keynote opening speech by Elder Statesman Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, and will include addresses and testimony by lawyers, peace activists, and victims of war.

One of the delegates to address the conference is George Galloway, a Member of British Parliament. Galloway has been active against the Iraq War and has voiced out against Zionism, while leading a British political left-wing socialist "RESPECT" party.

He is to address the Conference in its first session around 11am local time (UTC+8) on Wednesday October 28th, in the Merdeka Hall, Level 4, of the PWTC in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on the subject of "Flouting International Law".

Asia's longest serving leader and former Prime Minster of Malaysia, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, 84, is the main driving force behind the efforts to criminalise war, with this conference following on from a first one held 2 years earlier.

Currently it is a crime in all countries to commit murder, provided the number of victims is somewhat less than one hundred. When thousands are killed, especially abroad, there is no punishment and instead medals are awarded. Many believe that the launching of war, resulting in massive numbers of deaths of innocents, should be an international crime.

Mathaba News Agency will be giving special live coverage reports throughout the event, which readers can follow via Mathaba.Net, RSS, Email, Twitter, Facebook, Mobile or via additional tools. -- Mathaba


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Re: World Conference to Criminalise War: 13 Days to Launch
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2009, 08:21:05 PM »
George Galloway Delivers Speech to Conference to Criminalize War
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Mathaba) British MP George Galloway, addressed the conference to criminalise war today at 11.30am local time, with a speech on the subject of `flouting international law`.

He started his speech with an account of the efforts he and others have made to reach the Palestinian Gaza area which is under siege by the Israeli occupying forces. He recounted the experience of meeting a young girl who said "where is this Arab world they teach about us in school. Where is this Ummah (nation/community)... why did they allow us to face this alone", as she stood in the rubble left an orphan after an Israeli attack that killed her parents and left her homeless.

Galloway said they also faced many difficulties in Egypt "about which the least said the better" and that he and others intend to go "over and over again", and in a few weeks, intend to go with a convoy of 500 vehicles 5 hours long, through Europe to reach Gaza. He hoped that Malaysians would join the convoy.

Galloway pointed out that the need to do this is because of the silence and red carpet treatment given to the Israelis, whilst their victims are called terrorists. He said that "this is the world order we have today. Those that call themselves emperors, invent their own laws to bring war, destruction, sanction and disease upon others."

British MP George Galloway said that the Israelis used illegal weapons and destroyed the economy of Lebanon and the schools and infrastructure of Lebanon but were met with the tough resistance of Hizbollah.

In reference to the speech of Dr Mahathir at the opening of the conference, which aim is to make war an international crime, he said that still the aggressors can be defeated, and he said that Iraq was destroyed and a million Iraqis were killed, and three million Iraqi refugees - the lucky ones here in Malaysia - and the unlucky ones on the streets of Jordan. He said that in spite of this "they did not break Iraq" and that resistance would continue until victory.

Galloway pointed out that those states, including his own, Britain, that possess weapons of mass destruction, sit on the United Nations Security council and dictate their will. He said that there is no evidence that Iran is planning to produce any nuclear weapons, as confirmed by the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA, is under threat of sanctions, but Israel which possesses nuclear weapons is not threatened with any sanctions.

He confirmed that he is against nuclear weapons, and there are photographs of him being carried upside down by British police officers during an anti-nuclear protest, but that he is also against the hypocrisy and double standards in relation to nuclear weapons. He pointed out that Iraq was invaded because it has no nuclear weapons, and that North Korea would never be invaded precisely because it possesses such weapons. He wondered what message this sent to the world, and that it clearly means one should obtain weapons of mass destruction if one does not want to be invaded by the "hypocrites and war criminals."

Galloway said that when the journalist in Iraq took of his shoes and threw them at the head of George W. Bush he was speaking for millions of people in the world. He also said that the "poodle Tony Blair" was the least suitable to lead any peace effort or the European Union as is currently the plan, and that brave people are declaring the former British Prime Minister who launched the war on Iraq together with the USA, a war criminal