Author Topic: Libya, NATO Commander ” We have failed”.  (Read 8362 times)


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Libya, NATO Commander ” We have failed”.
« on: September 30, 2011, 09:10:14 PM »
Libya, NATO Commander ” We have failed”.
Posted on September 29, 2011 by nsnbc

NATO´s situation in Libya is turning desperate. What was supposed to be a postmodern coup d´etat with singing tomorrows and a limited armed insurgency has turned into a massive military campaign with heavy losses. NATO and TNC become increasingly isolated in “pockets of occupation“. While whispers about diplomatic initiatives and power sharing increase, NATO began a bribe campaign and is scripting the US population for a possible false flag attack, downing a civilian airliner.                                                           by Dr. Christof Lehmann

Tonight nsnbc received confirmed reports that the the long siege on the strategically Sahara City Saba is broken. The area around Saba is now so firmly under Libyan control that armed detachments can be sent to reinforce the ongoing battles in Bengazi and Sirte. The elite 32nd Brigade under the command of Khamis Ghadafi, which recently detached in platoon size special operations units, successfully attacked a NATO / TNC convoy in Sirte area, killing a high ranking “rebel” commander. NATO´s attempt to establish a bridgehead in Sirte harbor to prepare for an amphibian assault in style with the initial assault on Tripoli was spoiled when a NATO destroyer was set on fire by Libyan Special Forces. In Zawiah region a NATO / TNC convoy with a substantial amount of arms fell into an ambush of Libyan and Allied Forces. NATO air raids seem to concentrate on North Eastern Libya in an attempt to reconquer Derna and parts of Bengazi. Inside Tripoli sleeper cells are awaiting a final assault on Libya´s Capitol and there are increased reports of urban guerrilla tactics being used to destabilize the TNC and the forces under command of the Tripoli Military Counsel under the command of Abdelhakim Belhadj.

The last two days, nsnbc received confirmed reports of increasing numbers of defectors from the Libyan Government, who want to defect once again, after realizing the bitter truth that they have contributed to the destruction of their country and massacres on their people. Yesterday nsnbc received reports that the TNC and NATO has approached Russian Diplomats to broker a cease fire, and to negotiate a peace deal that includes a power sharing option. A source with close ties to tribal leaders informs nsnbc that there have been failed attempts by Swiss Diplomats to bribe tribal leaders who have deployed fighters to Sirte to withdraw from the battle for Liberation of Libya. Possibly there are serious concerns in the Swiss banking sector, that the illegal transfer of Libyan funds to the TNC can have dire consequences for the Swiss, as well as for the European and U.S. American economy.

In response to our article about the UN failure to adhere to it´s principles nsnbc received a phone call from a high ranking NATO Commander currently involved in the Libyan war. The NATO Officer, who for obvious reasons needs to be quoted anonymously, reported that there are increased worries among NATO Commanders, that the war crimes currently committed by NATO, in Libya, and under their command, can have serious repercussions for them personally, in case any country with international jurisdiction would be invoking the Nuremberg Principles. Secretly, he said, “some of us are encouraging our boys to refuse orders to bomb civilian targets; we have had enough” He continued: “Always the same lies, in WWI they said that the troops will be home by Christmas, and you know what happened”.  Some Canadian and French pilots have followed the encouragement and denied to bomb more civilian targets.

Intelligence analysts are warning of a increased risk for a False Flag downing of an airliner by US Special Operations Units after a FOX NEWS ALERT stated that the Pentagon will put more boots on the ground for a search and destroy mission of heat seeking anti aircraft missiles which reportedly “could have fallen into terrorists hands”. Intelligence analysts nsnbc has spoken to generally perceive the FOX NEWS ALERT  as well as ABC news reports as a possible scripting to prepare the population in the US for a certain narrative after a False Flag has been committed. ABC is notoriously known for it´s close intelligence ties. One of the most obvious reasons why the newscast is perceived as scripting is, that all special operations are shrouded in secrecy. No real special operation would ever be publicly announced to give the target the advance of prior knowledge. After nsnbc recently reported of the increased likelihood of a false flag terror attack, we now consider the risk to be significantly increased.

Dr. Christof Lehmann


« Last Edit: September 30, 2011, 09:21:28 PM by nestopwar »