Author Topic: National Conference for Libyan Tribes, Tripoli 5 May 2011  (Read 6235 times)


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National Conference for Libyan Tribes, Tripoli 5 May 2011
Libyan tribal leaders attend a large gathering entitled the National Conference for Libyan Tribes in Tripoli.

About 2,000 chiefs were present, representing all of Libya's 850 tribes and the gathering was organized by the tribes themselves.

Some leaders from the east of Libya which is under occupation by foreign-supported armed rebels came to Tripoli via Cairo and Tunisia.

All tribal chiefs without exception called for the "colonial, crusader" aggression by Western forces to end immediately and for Libyan unity.

The world needs to listen to the tribes of Libya, not to the handful of fascists meeting in Rome.

Abed Saleh Abu Hamada of the Magharib tribe, representing the east, emphasised unity in his speech, calling "our armed brothers in the east to dialogue" and urging "national unity from east to west."

Mahmud Mohammed Ali, the representative for the south, said "Obama, Sarkozy and others ... who are you to decide that Qaddafi has to leave his country.

Many condemned the NATO air strike which killed Saif al-Arab Qaddafi, the youngest son of Moammar Qaddafi and three baby grandchildren and voiced support for Moammar Qaddafi.

Watch the video below, press the play button to begin:>