Appeal from Russian & Ukrainian medics working in Libya
Dear friends,
We plead all honest, good will people in the West and East to support our appeal to STOP WAR AGAINST LIBYA.
We do not have internet connection in Libya for about 2 months. It took us a week to find a possibility to e-mail our Appeal, but we do not know when we get access to the internet again. That is why we ask people themselves to spread this letter everywhere possible – to internet sites, news agencies, Human Rights and other international and national organizations, even to one’s own friends.
Only if the truth about situation in Libya is widely known, it will be possible to force American, British and NATO war hawks to STOP AGGRESSION AGAINST PEOPLE OF LIBYA and save innocent people from being killed by US & NATO bombs and missiles!
Thank you for your help!
We wish all of us success in the anti-war struggle – especially in the Victory Day over the fascists of the 20th Century. Let us stop the fascists of the 21st Century!
Russian, Ukrainian, CIS & Bulgarian medics working in Libya
Дорогие друзья,
Мы обращаемся с просьбой о помощи ко всем людям доброй воли – как можно шире распространить наше Обращение против войны в Ливии.
У нас в Ливии уже почти 2 месяца отключен интернет. Лишь с большим трудом, после недельных усилий мы сумели договориться, чтобы отправить наше Открытое письмо – иная возможность, вероятно, представится не скоро.
Возможности широко рассылать наше Обращение у нас нет, мы лишь пытаемся его отправить в ООН, но почта уходит очень плохо (плохая связь, но может быть письма из Ливии еще и блокируются западными провайдерами), так что не знаем, удастся ли нам отправить почту всем адресатам. Поэтому просим всех, кто может разместить текст обращения на посвященных Ливии сайтах, а также разослать его куда возможно в западные газеты и интернет-издания.
Ситуация в Ливии становится критической: эвакуировались сотрудники болгарского и турецкого посольств, китайцы тоже собираются уезжать – мы опасаемся, что после неудачного покушения на Каддафи в ночь на 1 мая, коалицией уже принято тайное решение о подготовке наземной операции.
Последняя наша надежда, чтобы остановить агрессию против Ливии– это обращение в ООН (после нашего письма Президенту и Премьеру РФ стало, увы, очевидно, что усилий одной России сейчас уже недостаточно) к Китаю и членам Совета Безопасности, но главное – это обращение к людям на Западе через голову их продажных правительств – через СМИ, размещение в интернете, в форумах и т.д. – чтобы переломить западное общественное мнение и заставить их правительства прекратить бомбардировки и пойти на мирное решение проблемы. Сейчас только объединенные усилия всех порядочных людей могут помочь народу Ливии и нам, находящимся вместе с ним.
Заранее благодарим за помощь!
Поздравляем всех с Днем нашей Победы над фашистами 20-го века.
Успехов в борьбе с фашистами 21-го века!
С уважением и надеждой на победу,
Врачи из России и стран СНГ, работающие в Ливии
9 мая, Триполи
(Русский текст нашего обращения приведен после английского)
to the Secretary-General of UN
Members of Security Council of UN
UN Member States Representatives & Personnel
International Criminal Court & future Hague Tribunal on War Crimes against Libya
And all people of good will
from medics from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus,
and other CIS and East European countries,
working & living in Libya
May 1st 2011, Tripoli, Libya
Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary-General,
Mr. Joseph Deiss, President of the General Assembly,
Mr. Li Baodong, Permanent Representative and Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the UN,
Dr. Peter Wittig, Permanent Representative of Germany to the UN & Chairman of the UN Peacebuilding Commission,
Permanent Representatives of the Member States of the Security Council,
Mr. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We would like to address the UN Secretary-General personally, as the head of the most important international organization of UN,
and other members of this organization, first of all, members of the Security Council, especially the most righteous and sober, millenniums-wise China, as well as current members of the Security Council,
we also address the people of USA, UK, France and Italy, deceived by their governments in respect of the situation in Libya.
We are pleading all of you to join your efforts to SAVE PEOPLE OF LIBYA FROM GENOCIDE currently committed by USA and NATO armies and to STOP WAR AGAINST SOVEREIGN LIBYA.
A month ago we have already sent an appeal to the leaders of Russia (we enclose it below), but we see now, after 6 weeks of continuing war against Libya, that the efforts of Russia alone are still insufficient to stop this criminal war waged to control Libyan oil. Only joint efforts of the UN, and especially the Secretary-General and reasonable Members of the Security Council, together with all people of good will all around the world, would stop this terrible US & NATO aggression against Libya.
At the end of March, after our letter to the Russian leaders had been published, and the Papal vicar in Libya, Catholic bishop of Tripoli Giovanni Martinelli had raised his voice against bombing and killing civilian population in Tripoli, US & NATO troops stopped bombing the city of Tripoli. They realized that not all foreigners left Libya, so it would be impossible for them to hide their atrocities from the international public opinion (several hundreds of eye-witnesses working in hospitals all around the country – this is something that no propaganda machine could possibly eliminate). However, by the end of April, after US-NATO commanders had realized futility of their attempts to dismiss Qaddafi and make Libya capitulate by shelling Libyan troops and regional centres, they RESUMED THEIR BOMBING OF TRIPOLI – first of all, Qaddafi’s residential compound of Bab al-Aziziya, and TV Centre of Tripoli – thus killing and wounding more civilian people. As medics working in hospitals we can testify that in one day of such air strikes bombs and missiles of the anti-Libyan coalition are killing and wounding more people in Tripoli than in course of all unrests in the West of Libya in February and March, which USA and France used as a pretext to their intervention.
The US-NATO officials are telling us lies about military objects being the target of their bombing. Was the TV station such “a military object”, when it was heavily bombarded at the night of April 26 in a new unsuccessful attempt to kill the Libyan Leader in time of his speech on TV? Are the people working on TV station “military”? Besides, Tripoli TV station is located in the very centre of the city, in a heavily populated residential area. Next door to the TV station, just few meters away, 4 secondary schools are located; and finally, it is only 250 m from the Children Hospital of al-Jala and an obstetric hospital some 50 m further to the West. Fortunately, this time American humanitarian missiles did not hit these hospitals immediately, but the “tomahawks” and bombs explosions at the TV station area were so strong that the walls of the hospitals and nearby buildings, where our medics are living, were shaken and windows glass was clinking, some even cracked. Everybody woke up in horror (we have already got used to ordinary bombardments, and most of us even learned to sleep in course of them). Suckling babies and children in the hospital woke up too and cried with fear. Are the children of Libya the main “military target” for the coalition? In any case, if the Libyan people do not want to sell its freedom and keep defending their land against foreign US-NATO intervention – does it mean they all, including children and women, are bound to die now?
Today US-NATO military efforts “successfully” culminated in destroying Gaddafi’s family compound in the residential area of Tripoli and killing 3 babies: two girls – six-month-old Mastura, the daughter of Qaddafi’s daughter Aisha, and 2-year-old Carthage, the daughter of Qaddafi’s son Hannibal; and a boy – 15-month-old Seif Mohammed, son of Qaddafi's elder son Mohammed; and an adult – 29-year-old Qaddafi’s younger son Seif al-Arab, a civilian student of Munich University in Germany, with no relation to military neither power matters in Libya. (This “victory” was joyfully celebrated by USA & NATO rebel allies in Missurata and Benghazi, which speaks volumes about personality of these people).
In fact, even the very idea of killing the independent state leader as a way of solving political problems is arguably the best method in the international politics, but the way of its accomplishing by air-strikes is far beyond any human reason. This “air-strikes method” was already well known to the US leaders as a way to kill children and civilians only: USA had already attempted to assassinate Qaddafi in 1986 by bombing and shelling Tripoli, which led to the killing of a number of civilians – and Qaddafi’s 1,5-years-old adopted daughter Hanna, and wounding some members of his family, including his youngest son Khamis (Seif al-Arab, his 2nd youngest son, survived that day only to die today). How US-NATO commanders could possibly expect other results now?! USA leaders’ obsession with killing the Libyan Leader, however good or bad he is, is not a sound reason to kill dozens and wound hundreds of INNOCENT people in Tripoli! What is their fault?! The famous Russian writer, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, had taught us, that no great and just goal, even creating happiness for the whole humankind, could justify a child’s tear-drop! He could not even imagine then that somebody would dare to pave his way to some “humanitarian goals” by children’s bodies.
But killing and terrifying children and innocent people in Libya is only one side of the US & NATO activities in the area. USA also help and encourage Libyan rebels in Benghazi and Missurata to fight against government, thus bringing fuel to the fire of civil war, which would soon cease away without Western “help”. The rebels receive arms and ammunition from NATO, they are being trained by Western military instructors, numerous mercenaries from Egypt and Tunis, well paid by “unknown” donors, provide them with men-power, while US-NATO aircraft and fleet support them from air and sea, destroying Libyan troops by air-strikes. Thus, having the whole American and NATO military machine behind them, the rebels’ leaders refuse to negotiate with Libyan Government, which leads to more and more casualties from both sides.
On the eve of American attack in March, the Libyan army entered Western suburbs of Benghazi and the rebels (their numbers are quite small in comparison to the ordinary people who want nothing but peace) were ready to surrender in exchange for pardoning them, while few of the most irreconcilable were packing their cars to flee – as the road to Egypt was deliberately left open for them. But what was the most important – this pacifying of the East had happened almost without casualties from both sides. Only few wounded people were brought to the hospitals in the East that days – while on the very day when US & NATO air-strikes started, the number of wounded and killed people increased dozens times. What a strange way of “protecting civilian population” by killing them!
Thus, after American intervention a real WAR STARTED in the East of Libya – not mock battles performed by “rebels” for Western cameramen as it used to be in February and earlier in March. Then, almost pacified by then Missurata revolted and turned into major centre of military conflict, backed by troops, weaponry and ammunition brought there by sea from Benghazi – with a help of coalition fleets. As a result all hospitals in nearby cities (Zliten, Beni Walid, Tawarga) were filled up with wounded military – from both sides – as well as civilians, while our colleagues in Missurata had to work all day and night to cure people injured in the city. We are medics, so for us there is no difference whom to treat; we do not care about our patients’ political affiliation. The Libyans from both sides are really nice people, their attitude to us is nothing but very good: all of them are thankful to those who are helping them in such a difficult situation.
As medics we have to heal people, but perhaps even more important is to STOP PEOPLE BEEN KILLED. We feel it our duty to make everything possible to HALT this WAR, provoked from abroad and involved, on the first place, naïve and easily deceived youngsters from the East of Libya and Missurata. But peace is definitely impossible while foreign intervention continues. Let Libyans settle their home problems THEMSELVES! Many tribal leaders and elders were desperately trying to interfere as mediators, but rebels’ leaders refused accept their efforts – being sure that “America” will bring them to Tripoli and made them rule the whole country. But this attitude means only one – more death and more patients in the hospitals. And also more danger for us, as our colleagues are being shelled and bombed in Missurata and Adjdabiya, while we are under constant US-NATO air strikes in Tripoli and other cities in the West of Libya.
10 days ago, April 20, our colleague doctor Anatoliy A. Nagayko, a good and brave person, was killed by shell in Missurata, while nurse Olga Kozina was heavily wounded in both legs. They, together with a number of other Ukrainian medics, refused to evacuate from the city as they just could not leave their patients unattended; they knew that nobody can replace them now. So they had to make their difficult decision to stay with Libyan people – not only in happiness of previous wonderful years, but also in trouble and sorrow (this is, in fact, the major reason why many of our colleagues decided to stay in Libya). For us, who survived, it does not matter which bomb killed our colleague – American, British, or French, does it come from rebels, or from Libyan army, – as the responsibility for his death, as well as for deaths of other people in Missurata, lies fully on those who brought war to Libyan soil, i.e. on military leaders of the US-NATO coalition.
We understand perfectly well that most of Americans and Europeans – including grass-level military contingent of Western aggressors – are deceived by American and European mass-media propaganda against Libya (the so-called “Arabian” TV channel of “Al-Jazeera” is only nominally Arabic; in fact, it was established by British staff of the former Arabic service of BBC, while Qatar is the first USA ally in the Golf States). But still the military must learn the truth, as it has to be remembered that performing criminal orders makes one a criminal too, as the Nuremberg trial of the fascists’ war crimes had already proved. Practically all fascist officers tried to whitewash themselves by blaming their leaders for war crimes, saying that they were merely “performing orders”. Nevertheless, most of them were sentenced by the Nuremberg Tribunal. War crimes tribunal on Libya is to be established soon – thus the coalition military personnel will have to answer for their deeds, together with their military commanders and their states leaders!
On the other hand, however safe feel the coalition military in course of killing people from secure height (no real Libyan air defence exists anymore as it was destroyed in the first days of invasion), but the situation could be reverted if the land operation starts – even many of the rebels would join their efforts to defend their ancestors’ land from foreign invaders (in fact, in course of last 2 weeks a number anti-war demonstrations had already started even in Benghazi, though suppressed by rebel commanders there). Thus our intention is to save not only Libyans (and ourselves too), but also lives of American and European soldiers who could be in danger in course of this unjust criminal war. Is it a good idea for free people of America and Europe to die for Western monopolies desire to control Libyan oil?
Besides all that, there is another important point. We realize that it is difficult for the people in USA and Europe, who feel themselves absolutely safe, to understand how difficult is to live under permanent air strikes, when every night war aircraft are flying above your head, and bombs and missiles are falling all around. But on the other hand it is easier for us to remember about GOD. As the main USA motto goes: “In God we trust”. Thus it is not a good idea to forget now that besides human trial there is DIVINE JUSTICE. Yes, Libyans cannot hit America back – in fact, they even have no such idea at all, they just try to defend themselves and their homes, – but God can. Unprecedented tornadoes in Alabama and adjacent states with casualties and destruction comparable to those in Libya – isn’t it a clear response to the American leaders’ irresponsible politics?
After the latest sorrowful events in Tripoli, we, despite being the Orthodox Christians, together with our co-religionists from the Greek Orthodox Church as well as Roman Catholics in Tripoli, are praying for the souls of murdered Muslim Innocents. We repeat one prayer: «God save Libya!» If no human power can do it nowadays.
The honest people of America, your ancestors were the first to become really free people, they threw off the yoke of the British Empire, proclaimed the independence and freedom, and started living in accordance to the people’s will. So, why now your leaders do not allow other peoples to have freedom and independence, and to choose their own way of life? Before the war, Libya was a paradise for its people and for foreigners worked there, everyone felt himself safe and happy. Yes, this paradise was rather different from the American one, but is it a sound reason to destroy it? Please, try to understand this, and make your leaders to stop killing innocent people, even if they ventured to have some other idea about life than in the USA!
People of the former Great Britain, how you allow your leaders to mock openly at you all? In the day of the Royal wedding the war hawks were planning to kill another country’s Leader. Do they think that such a murder would be the best wedding present to the off-spring of their Sovereign? Or the Prime-minister considers the British Royal couple akin to King Herod and Herodias so as to bring them the head of Qaddafi? In fact, his plan failed, thus the slaughter of Innocents in Tripoli by modern Herods turned out to be his main – and one would say rather insulting and arrogant – gift to the newly-married couple. How so proud people as the British could bear such a shameful behaviour of their leaders?!
We plead all honest, good will people in the West and East to support our appeal to STOP WAR AGAINST LIBYA. We ask people to spread this letter everywhere possible – to news agencies, Human Rights and other international and national organizations, even to one’s own friends, - in order to force American, British and NATO war hawks to STOP AGGRESSION AGAINST PEOPLE OF LIBYA!
Further we enclose English translation of our previous letter to the Russian Leaders explaining with more detail the situation in Libya:
To the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev
and Prime-Minister Vladimir Putin
from Ukrainians, Russians, and Belorussians
working & living in Libya
March 24th 2011, Tripoli, Libya
Mr. President,
Mr. Prime-Minister,
We all come from the Soviet Union. A whim of fate made us citizens of now separate CIS countries – Ukraine, Russia, or Belarus – but for all of us only Russia is the true successor to the USSR and the only guarantor of our countries’ national interests and our safety as their citizens. That is why we have turned to you for help and justice.
What is going on now, at this very moment, is a blatant MILITARY AGGRESSION on the part of the US and NATO against sovereign Libya. Some may doubt it, but to us it is an OBVIOUS fact, because the situation is evolving before our eyes. The US and NATO forces are threatening lives not only of Libyans, but of anyone on Libyan soil. We are outraged by the barbarous bombing of Libya performed by the US and NATO led coalition.
Targets for bombing in Tripoli and other Libyan cities are chosen not so much to destroy Libyan air forces or air defence systems, not even to cripple the Libyan army, but to undermine Libyan military and civilian infrastructure. This very morning, March 24th, the NATO and US aircraft kept bombing Tripoli’s outskirts of Tajura (among other things, Tajura is the place where the Libyan Nuclear Research Centre is located). All air force and air defence facilities there were completely destroyed in the first two days of bombing. Tajura has no active military defence sites left. But this morning the Libyan army’s barracks were attacked. The barracks are situated in a densely populated RESIDENTIAL AREA, close to the country’s largest Cardiac Centre. Neither civilians, nor medics had ever thought of the barracks as a possible target for attack. That is why no residents or patients had been evacuated.
Bombs and missiles hit residential houses. Some of them exploded near the hospital. In the Cardiac Centre many windows were smashed; in the Obstetrics block for women with cardiac diseases parts of wall and roof fell. All this resulted in ten cases of miscarriage; several newborn babies died; the women are now in intensive care; medics are fighting for their lives. We ourselves and our colleges are on a 7-day work week to save our patients. In the residential area hit by bombs and missiles there are dozens of killed or injured. Our former compatriots are operating and resuscitating them. By the number of dead and wounded, this has been the bloodiest day since the beginning of the current unrest in Libya. Do they call it “protection of civilians”?
As eyewitnesses and participants in all this, we can call it nothing but GENOCIDE committed by the US and its allies against the PEOPLE of Libya. And we are ready to repeat it under oath. Everybody has already seen it in the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY the coalition forces are committing now are of the kind the fathers and grandfathers of the current Western leaders and their henchmen committed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and in Dresden, where mass murder of civilians was a means to intimidate the people, to break their will to fight. Germans remember it; that is why Germany has refused to take part in the new massacre. Today, they are using the same methods to make Libyans betray their leader and their legitimate government, and surrender their oil riches to the coalition countries.
We realize the futility of appealing to the “International Community” to save the people of Libya and us, living in this country. Our only hope is Russia with its ability to veto any UN resolution. And in particular, Russia’s leaders – its President and Prime-Minister.
In you are our hopes, as they were when we took the decision to stay in Libya and help its people, thus and first of all, carrying out our professional duty as medics. We saw that after the failure of the coup at the end of February the Libyan government was successfully restoring peace and order. It was clear to everyone that without US intervention life in the country would very soon return to normal. Being sure that Russia would veto any military aggression on the part of the US and its allies, we decided to stay in Libya. Unfortunately, we were wrong. Russia believed American lies and did not thwart the criminal decision pushed through the UN by France and the USA.
We – Ukrainians, Russians, and Belorussians (mainly medics) – have been working in Libya for many years (from 2 to 20 years). We do know how people live here and we can say that very few countries provide such social security to its citizens as Libya does. Healthcare is free here. Hospitals have state-of-the-art medical equipment. Education is free. Gifted students are sent to study abroad. All expenses are paid by the government. Each newlywed couple receives 60000 Libyan dinars (c. $50000) in aid. Credits provided by the government are interest-free. Government subsidies make car prices much lower than in Europe, so that any family can afford it. Petrol and bread cost all but nothing. People engaged in agriculture do not pay taxes. Libyans are a calm and peaceful people, abstaining from alcohol and very religious, but with no traces of fanaticism.
Today they are suffering. In February normal life in the country was disrupted by gangs of criminals and drugged youths – those who in Western media somehow came to be known as “peaceful protesters”. They were armed. They attacked police stations, government buildings, and military facilities. Blood was shed. Their puppeteers had an obvious purpose – control over Libyan oil. They misled the international community saying that Libyans are fighting against the regime. Is there anyone who would not embrace such a “regime”? If we had it in Ukraine or Russia, we would not be here – we would be working at home enjoying social security and supporting the “regime” by all possible means.
If the US or EU have nothing else to do, they will do much better if they turn their attention to disaster-stricken Japan, to Israeli bombings of Palestine, to the growing audacity and impunity of Somali pirates, or to the plight of Arab immigrants in France – Libyans will themselves solve their problems.
We see how American war hawks are trying to make another Iraq out of Libya. This is an act of genocide against a whole nation and those who with it. As medics, we are doing our professional duty. We cannot leave Libyans in the lurch, to suffer annihilation by the anti-Libyan coalition. Also, we realize that after all foreigners have left the country there will remain nobody to tell the world the truth. The few remaining diplomats were gagged long ago. In such circumstances American military will simply massacre the people. This is why our only chance to SURVIVE is Russia’s firm position in the Security Council.
We hope that You, Mr. President, and You, Mr. Prim-Minister, as Russian citizens and people of conscience, will never let American and European fascists of the 21st century destroy the freedom-loving people of Libya and those who are with them today.
This is why we urge Russia to use its veto – paid by millions of lives of Soviet people who died in the Second World War – to STOP THE AGGRESSION against a sovereign country, IMMEDIATELY HALT THE US AND NATO BOMBINGS, and demand that the UN send its troops to the conflict zone in Libya.
With the very best regards and a firm belief
in your wisdom and honesty.
Citizens of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and other CIS countries
now stationed in Libya
We still keep collecting signatures under the Petition to the Hague Tribunal which is to be established in connection with the US and NATO crimes in Libya.
PS. We enclose as an attachment a poem about Libya written in March by one of our colleagues, named Lidia, with whom we all are totally agree:
To Libya
How can one expose this lie? It is impossible,
If the lie is necessary to the Great of this world.
So my heart beats anxiously:
The country dies because of this slander.
The reporters are lying as they wish,
They construct a thick wall against the truth,
Calling white black and black white.
But what fault is there with the Libyans?
They are deeply astonished by all these lies.
Oh, World of Goodness, please, hear their cry!
But prim London averted his eyes,
And proud Paris deliberately fell asleep.
It is a great pity that even once righteous and wise
Rome fears to tell the truth!
The Earth turns into Sodom:
So why do all of us keep silent?!
USA always remains right by using ruses;
Listening heartily to the tinkling of coins.
Without hesitation they will kill
The peace and happiness of the peoples’ state to get oil.
Where is the Dove with the olive branch?
Even for him the load becomes greater than his strength…
And why do you keep aloof, former Soviet Union
Once fair and honest?
You are all used to shaking hands heartily with Qaddafi,
Bewitched by his strong and unusual personality,
So why now, like black ravens,
Are You looking for new war?
We appeal to all people of good will, pleading with them
to support our Petition against war in Libya and sign it too.
Today the American war hawks destroy Libya,
But tomorrow ANY STATE would become the object of their aggression!
Nagorniy Igor V. (Ukraine); Genrikh Natalya V. (Ukraine); Genrikh Irina V. (Ukraine); Getov Ivan Georgiev (Bulgaria); Yuryeva Natalya; Grigorenko Ludmila N.; Getov Georgy Ivanov (Bulgaria); Polischuk Ludmila V.; Mikulina Tatyana A.; Novoseltsev Andrey G.; Anistratenko Andrey; Anistratenko Svetlana; Novoseltseva Marina; Shalaeva Lubov V.; Goroshko Stanislav F.; Senokosov Vsevolod O. (Ukraine); Vasilyeva Eleonora; Kurilo Nikolay I.; Ivasivka Maria L. (Ukraine); Protsenko G.S. and 3 family members (Minsk, Belarus; temporary living in Tajura, Libya) – we sign under every single word of this Letter, this is genocide of the Libyan people committed by the Western Powers; Manuta L.A. (Minsk, Belarus); Yuryeva N.A. (Donetsk, Ukraine); Kapura Vyatsheslav (Belarus); Verbitskaya Natalya (Kiev, Ukraine); Satir Hassin (Kiev, Ukraine); Gritsenko V.V. (Kharkov, Ukraine); Skrypko E.V. (Kharkov, Ukraine); Skrypko V.A. (Eupatoria, Ukraine); Hendochaya T.V. (Belarus); Terzibashan Ruben; Teslya Anjela L., Volokhov Gennadiy A., Stukalova Tatyana N., Golysheva Elena A., Sidorova Marina A., Sattorov Buzulglahr H. (Tadjikistan); Abdullon Temurali (Tadjikistan); Rashidov Tillomurad (Tadjikistan); Makhmadiev Mashrazon (Tadjikistan); Ahmedov Fahmatullo (Tadjikistan); Sharipov Kalamatullo (Tadjikistan); Yahshev Dmitriy; Belichenko Igor S. (surgeon); Daskalyuk Vasil D. (pediatrician); Daskalyuk Orysya I. (physician); Gladun Irina L. (anesthetist in resuscitation unit); Yermakova Ludmila; Vecherkina Alena; Samokhina Anna; Shishkin Alexandr; Khodareva Elena; Papelyuk V.V; Drobot N.; Lopushenko I.I.; Bondarenko P.G.; Berezovskiy S.V.; Jukova O.V.; Sidorina O.P.; Melnik D.N.; Usov V.A.; Bondarchuk A.V.; Derbilova G.E.; Rjevskaya L.Ya.; Sidorenko O.V. (anaesthetist; Kiev, Ukraine; currently working in Zliten, Libya); Petrikey L.V. (midwife; Selidovo, Ukraine; currently working in Sirt, Libya); Galatsan N.T. (midwife; Odessa, Ukraine; currently working in Sbea, Libya); Gerastovskaya L.D. (Donetsk, Ukraine; currently working in Sirt, Libya); Emets E.M.; Kondratenko I.M.; Yunik V.V.; Knyazev O.V.; Guk A.N.; Podobriy T.I; Turakh M.V.; Kornechuk V.V.; Demidova R.S.; Fedorova T.N.; Leshta V.S.;
Medics of the Hospital of El-Lassaba (Gharyan district): Vysochina Yuriy U. (obstetrician-gynecologist); Kislo Oksana Ya. (medical attendant); Teryokhina Irina G. (midwife); Islamova Alla R. (midwife); Fedorchenko Vladimir V. (paediatrician); Dyachenko Victor I. (anaesthetist); Vlasyuk Gennadiy N. (obstetrician-gynecologist); Girin Leonid V. (surgeon) with family; Vasilenko Anjela P. (midwife); Puzak Elena I. (midwife); Karpenko Svitlana G. (nurse); Oprishko Ludmila I. (endocrinology specialist); Akhmad Ismail Hussen (ophthalmologist; Jordan);
Bordovskiy S.; Vasilenko S.; Dragovskiy A.; Drobot V.; Kolesnikova T.; Kuzin I.; Kuzmenko V.; Kulebyakin V.; Kulmenko T.; Nikolaeva G.; Selizar V.; Selizar O.; Smirnov O.; Smirnova R.; Solovyev D.; Stadnik V.; Stolpakova T.; Streschalin G.; Stahovich Yu.; Sukacheva L.; Sukachev V.; Tarakanova T.; Tihonovskaya N.; Tihonovskiy I.; Tkachev V.; Hadareva E.; Chaikovskiy O.; Chuhno D.; Chuhno O.; Yakovenko D., and others
(more than one hundred signatures)
PPS. We kindly ask the official UN organizations and missions to which this letter is addressed, to send your answers to both the Embassy of the Russian Federation and the Embassy of Ukraine in Libya, Tripoli, where we can collect them (ordinary post services do not work in Libya anymore), while sending an electronic copy of the answer to the e-mail address from which our letter has been sent. Thank you for your consideration!
Открытое письмо
Генеральному секретарю ООН
Членам Совета Безопасности ООН
Представителям государств-членов ООН и сотрудникам ООН
в Международный уголовный суд и будущий Гаагский Трибунал по военным преступлениям в Ливии
от граждан Украины, России, Белоруссии,
и других стран СНГ и Восточной Европы,
работающих и живущих в Ливии
1 мая 2011 г., Триполи, Ливия
Г-н Пан Ги Мун, Генеральный секретарь ООН,
Г-н Джосеф Дейс, Президент Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН,
Г-н Ли Баодунг, Постоянный представитель Китая в ООН,
Д-р Петер Виттиг, Постоянный представитель Германии в ООН и Председатель Миротворческой комиссии ООН,
Г-да постоянные представители государств-членов Совета Безопасности ООН,
Г-н Луис Морено-Окампо, прокурор Международного уголовного суда в Гааге,
Дамы и господа,
Мы хотим обратиться лично к Генеральному секретарю ООН, как главе наиболее важной международной организации,
к другим членам ООН, в первую очередь, к членам Совета Безопасности ООН, и в первую очередь к справедливому и разумному, обладающему тысячелетней мудростью Китаю, а также к другим членам Совета Безопасности ООН,
мы также обращаемся к народам США, Великобритании, Франции и Италии, обманутым своими правительствами относительно событий в Ливии.
Мы просим всех Вас объединить свои усилия, чтобы СПАСТИ НАРОД ЛИВИИ ОТ ГЕНОЦИДА, который сейчас осуществляют армии США и НАТО и ОСТАНОВИТЬ АГРЕССИЮ ПРОТИВ СУВЕРЕННОЙ ЛИВИИ.
Месяц назад мы уже направили свое обращение к руководителям России (приводим его ниже), однако по прошествии полутора месяцев с момента начала агрессии против Ливии, мы уже видим, что одной России недостаточно, чтобы прекратить эту преступную войну, ведущуюся за установление контроля над ливийской нефтью. Только объединенные усилия ООН, в особенности Генерального секретаря и членов Совета Безопасности ООН, вместе со всеми людьми доброй воли во всем мире могут остановить преступную агрессию США и НАТО против народа Ливии.
В конце марта, после публикации нашего Открытого письма руководителям России, и после выступления папского викария в Ливии епископа Триполи Джованни Мартинелии, поднявшего голос против варварских бомбардировок и гибели мирного населения в Триполи, войска США и НАТО прекратили бомбардировки жилых кварталов ливийской столицы. Они поняли, что не все иностранцы покинули Ливию и что им не удастся скрыть свои преступления от международной общественности (несколько сотен очевидцев, работающих в госпиталях по всей стране – это то, что никакая пропагандистская машина не в силах утаить). Однако в конце апреля, когда военное командование США и НАТО поняли бесполезность своих попыток сместить Каддафи и заставить Ливию сдаться путем бомбардировок ливийских войск и региональных центров, войска коалиции вновь возобновили бомбардировки Триполи. В первую очередь – резиденцию Каддафи в районе Баб ал-Азизия и Телецентр Триполи. При этом снова были убиты и ранены мирные граждане. Как работающие в госпиталях медики, мы можем с полным основанием заявить, что за один день подобных налетов бомбы и ракеты войск антиливийской коалиции убивают и ранят больше народу, чем это имело место за весь период беспорядков на Западе Ливии в феврале-марте – тех самых беспорядков, которые послужили предлогом для США и Франции, чтобы начать военную интервенцию.
Официальные лица США и НАТО лгут нам, заявляя, что целью авиаударов являются лишь военные объекты. Каким «военным объектом» является Телецентр Триполи, который подвергся жестоким бомбардировкам в ночь на 26 апреля во время очередной неудачной попытки убить Ливийского лидера во время выступления на телевидении? Являются ли сотрудники Телецентра «военными»? Кроме того, Телецентр Триполи расположен в самом центре города, в густонасел