Author Topic: Resolutions for StWC National Conference 30 October 2010  (Read 7532 times)


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Resolutions for StWC National Conference 30 October 2010
« on: October 27, 2010, 07:29:15 AM »
Resolutions for StWC National Conference 30 October 2010 


1 Campaigning priorities
Submitted by Stop the War Coalition National Steering Committee

This conference notes:
1.The worsening war in Afghanistan, where the number of casualties in the last year has exceeded all previous years.
2.The growing opposition to the war among members of the British public, where opinion polls are now repeatedly showing large majorities to get the troops out.
3.The military families who are stepping up their campaign against the war.
4.The recent vote in parliament where only 16 MPs voted against continuing operations in Afghanistan.
5.The policy of the Coalition government which is to continuing to support US foreign policy in the war on terror.
6.The continued occupation of Iraq, where despite Barack Obama’s talk of withdrawal there are still 50,000 US troops, many private mercenaries and permanent US military bases.
7.The bombing of Pakistan by US drones which has led to over 1000 casualties in the past year.
8.The erosion of civil liberties resulting from the war on terror.
9.The growth of Islamophobia internationally closely connected to the war on terror.
10.The government plans to cut spending on areas such as education and welfare, while spending millions on war.
11.The repeated threats to Iran which may lead to a future war.
12.The continued oppression of the Palestinians by Israel, especially the siege of Gaza and the continuing settlements.
This conference believes:
1.That there is no justification for the continued war in Afghanistan. The various attempts to do so by the British government and its allies have only served to demonstrate the contradictory arguments put forward about the war.
2.That there is a growing mood of opposition to the war.
3.That there is a much wider sense among the public and within the media that the war is being lost, and that it will eventually end in negotiations.
4.That much of this opposition stems from the growing number of soldiers’ deaths and the revelations that Afghan deaths and injuries are at a much higher level than previously thought.
5.That the majority of politicians in parliament are out of touch with the majority mood in the country and are not facing the reality of the failure of the war.
6.That it is possible to raise our level of campaigning around the key slogan of ‘Time to Go’ calling for the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.
7.That while this is our major campaigning priority, issues such as Iraq and Blair’s complicity in it, Palestine, Islamophobia and civil liberties will all play a part in mobilising anti war opinion.
This conference resolves:
1.To mobilise a mass campaign calling for Time to Go, beginning with the November 20th demonstration and involving all forms of action, meetings and publicity to bring in the widest numbers.
2.To highlight the political and social crisis in Iraq and to continue our campaigning to end all US and British involvement and occupation of the country.
3.To continue to campaign against Tony Blair and his role in Iraq, highlighting the devastation caused by the invasion and occupation, and to call for the British Government to agree payment of reparations.
4.To work with the appropriate organisations to highlight issues related to the war on terror, for example Palestine or Islamophobia.
5.To build inside the trade unions, especially making the links between war and cuts or unemployment.
6.To work with the appropriate organisations campaigning round these issues of cuts and unemployment.
7.To build the anti war movement among young people, especially school students and students.
8.To help build a movement of soldiers’ families, ex soldiers and other connected with the military to put the case for immediate withdrawal.
9.To continue and increase our campaigning in parliament to educate and inform the majority of MPs about the reality of the war in Afghanistan.
10.To Campaign against Sanctions on Iran and the threat of an attack on Iran or any other country.
Amendment to Resolution 1: Campaign Priorities
Submitted by Wandsworth Stop the War Coalition
Section 3: This Conference resolves Point 3: delete first part of sentence and replace with "To continue to campaign and demonstrate against Tony Blair and the other warmongers to hold them to account for their roles in Iraq and Afghanisan, highlighting............etc.

2 Islamophobia
Submitted by Stop the War Coalition National Steering Committee

This Conference notes:
1.Islamophobia is the most virulent form of racism in Britain today.
2.Stop the War has been committed to combatting racism since its launch.
3.The recent campaign against a Muslim cultural centre near Ground Zero, the book burning campaign on the anniversary of 9.11, and the European Hijab bans all testify to the seriousness of the threat of Islamophobia.
4.The rise of Islamophobia is closely linked to the War on Terror. Attacks on Muslims, police harassment of Muslim youth and media vilification of Islam all increased dramatically in the period after 9.11. Islamophobia continues to be used to try and create a favourable climate for the occupation of Afghanistan.
5.Attacks on Muslims come from the media, politicians and the police and even prominent cultural figures. The Prevent agenda has demonised Muslims in education and elsewhere by treating all Muslims as potential terrorists. Such widespread anti Muslim sentiment has led to a rise in racist attacks and given encouragement to violent racist groups like the English Defence League.
This Conference resolves:
1.That the defence of the Muslim community is a high priority for Stop the War.
2.To continue working with the widest possible range of Muslim organisations, trade unions, Unite Against Fascism and other organisations to develop a national campaign against Islamophobia, and to support the demonstration against racism, fascism and Islamophobia on November 6th.
3.After the success of this year’s Stop Islamophobia conference, to jointly organise a follow up conference in the new year.
4.To continue to campaign for the closure of the Guantanamo and Bagram concentration camps.
5.To support the South London March and conference on the 11th of December calling for the release of London resident Shaker Aamer and the closure of Guantanamo.


3 No War or Sanctions against Iran
Submitted by Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII)
This conference notes:

1.For more than 30 years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been the target of US sanctions and military threats that are violations of the UN Charter and international law.
2.According to the veteran investigative journalist Seymour Hersch, the US under the Bush Administration allocated 400 million dollars to destabilize the Islamic Republic by covert operations including by supporting terrorist organizations of Jondollah, Pjak and MKO; there is no evidence that President Obama has rescinded this policy.
3.While Israel, the only nuclear armed country in the Middle East, and the US together with their European allies accuse Iran of having a nuclear weapons programme, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has stated in all its reports on Iran that it has continued to verify the non-diversion of declared nuclear material in the country.
4.The non-aligned movement (NAM) consisting of 118 countries defended Iran’s nuclear programme in the September 2010 meeting of the Governor’s Board of the IAEA, where in their long statement warned against political pressure on the IAEA with respect to Iran and criticized the new Director General of the IAEA for biased reporting against Iran.
5.While the US, Israel and Western European countries portray Iran as a threat in the region, a recent 2010 Arab Public Opinion Poll, carried out by Zogby International in six major Arab countries including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan found a completely different view on Iran. When asked to name two countries that pose the biggest threat to them – 88% said Israel, 77% said the US and only 10% said Iran. Furthermore, 77% said that Iran should have the right to its nuclear program and should not be pressured to stop its activities.
6.In May 2010, Iran, Brazil and Turkey announced the Tehran Declaration in which Iran agreed to transfer 1200 kg of its low enriched uranium to Turkey in exchange for fuel rods for the Tehran Research Reactor that produces medical isotopes. Although President Obama had urged Brazil and Turkey in his two letters in April 2010 to persuade Iran to agree with precisely this transfer so as to create confidence in its nuclear programme, the US dismissed the agreement and immediately responded by pressuring the UN Security Council to impose a new round of sanctions against Iran, which was followed by additional and unilateral US and EU sanctions.
This conference believes:

7.The existing differences between the US and Iran must be resolved through negotiations and respect for Islamic Republic's right to exist as an independent and sovereign country as well as respect for its civilian nuclear programme which is under 24/7 inspections of the IAEA.
8.The latest US sanctions against Iran under the pretext of human rights violations in this country is the ultimate hypocrisy given the US extensive record of illegal wars of aggression, war crimes and systematic human rights violations in the region. Presently, both US and UK are major enablers of undemocratic regimes and human rights violators in the region, and have a lengthy history of such support in the past.
9.The US, UK and their allies have to remove all their illegal threats and illegitimate sanctions so as to end the state of siege they have created in Iran which is extremely damaging to the cause of human rights and democracy in Iran.
10.Sanctions against Iran hurt Iranian people and US sanctions against Iran’s aviation industry have already resulted in dozens of domestic airplane crashes killing thousands of passengers.
11.Sanctions are a form of warfare and, together with the massive build-up of US military forces and unprecedented US arms sales to the Persian Gulf countries, can be the prelude to a catastrophic war on false pretexts similar to those used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
This conference resolves:

12.Fully aware of the extremely disastrous consequences of a military attack against Iran, the Stop the War Coalition will allocate resources to lobby MPs, challenge media distortions on Iran and mobilise support for the following resolution in the trade unions and students unions and all affiliated organisations and coalitions to include in their demands "No War or Sanctions against Iran!".
Model Resolution on Sanctions and War on Iran
This Branch/Conference notes that:

1.The IAEA has found no evidence of a nuclear weaponisation programme in Iran. However the US, Israel, UK and France, are persisting that Iran cease its civilian uranium enrichment or face more punitive consequences, with the military option kept ominously open.
2.Over a million Iraqi lives were sacrificed due to 11 years of inhuman sanctions policy ostensibly designed as an alternative to war.
3.All the completely discredited accusations of supporting terrorism, links to Al-Qaida and clandestine WMD programme, used to make the case for war on Iraq, are now being used against Iran.
This Branch/Conference believes:

As tragically evidenced in Iraq, sanctions against Iran hurt ordinary people, damage their economic and civil institutions and are prelude to war.

4.Iran’s nuclear issue should be returned from the UN Security Council to the IAEA and resolved through continued negotiations and not sanctions or war.
5.Sanctions, foreign state interference, destabilisation programme and any military intervention or its threat are greatly harmful to the cause of human rights, democratic rights and the civil society organisations and aspirations of Iranian people.
This Branch/Conference resolves:

6.To demand from the Cameron and Clegg government:
(i) to publicly oppose any military intervention and any new sanctions against Iran.
(ii) to revoke the EU and UN Security Council sanctions against Iran.
(iii) to enter into unconditional negotiations with Iran to resolve the stand-off in a peaceful way by respecting Iran’s civilian nuclear programme.
Amendment to Resolution 3: No War or Sanctions against Iran
Submitted by Wandsworth Stop the War Coalition
Request to Conference Arrangements Committee to make this resolution simplified, intelligible, and focussed on action - otherwise in its current form it should be remitted to the Officers Group.

4 No Cooperation with War Crimes
Submitted by Bristol Stop the War Coalition

Conference welcomes the recent not-guilty verdict secured by the EDO Decommissioners of Brighton and Bristol, reflecting as it does the growing public feeling against the continuation of both the supply of British arms to Israel and the participation of the British military in the occupation of Afghanistan. Conference recognises the deep significance of such actions as those undertaken by the Decommissioners and of their subsequent campaign, showing what a powerful example can be set by every refusal to cooperate with illegal wars. Such acts of non-cooperation are fully endorsed by Stop the War’s own declared policy of calling for “no cooperation with war crimes”, overwhelmingly affirmed by Conference last year. They warrant the most vigorous and sustained support from Stop the War, both in order to spread the power of a good example and to resist the victimisation of peace activists.

This Conference therefore instructs the incoming officers to lead a concerted campaign of non-cooperation on the broadest possible level, to include support:

•For those like the Gaza protestors who are locked up for being Muslim and against the occupation of Palestine;
•For those like Joe Glenton who refuse to fight in illegal wars;
•For those who refuse to assist in the manufacture of weapons to fight such wars;
•For those like the EDO and Raytheon protestors who take direct action against the arms industry;
•For those working and studying in schools and colleges who refuse to cooperate with military recruitment in their institutions;
•For those working in the media who refuse to relay as truth the propaganda of war;
•For those who resist the detention and deportation of asylum seekers being returned to war zones;
•And for all others who refuse to abdicate their social responsibility on the plea that they are “just following orders”. There are no better friends of peace.


5 From Finsbury Park Stop the War Coalition
This conference of the Stop the War Coalition notes that, in addition to continuing to wage predatory wars against Iraq and Afghanistan, US and British imperialism are steadily raising the level of threats against Iran and are providing unstinting support to the terrorist state of Israel in its brutal suppression of the Palestinian people.

Conference therefore instructs the Stop the War Coalition to:
1.Oppose all threats and sanctions against Iran and to campaign actively in support of that country's right to manage its own affairs, including its right to pursue its peaceful nuclear programme;
2.Support all initiatives -- especially those of Viva Palestina -- aimed at breaking the blockade of Gaza, and to campaign for the full restoration of the legitimate rights to self-determination and independence of the Palestinian people in the whole of their national territory;
3.Fully incorporate in its campaigning activities the call for victory to the Iraqi and Afghan resistance.


6 From Richmond Stop the War Coalition
Stop the War Coalition abhors the fact that the British government and the House of Commons do not represent the will of the British people with respect to the government’s wars in the Middle East and the renewal of its Trident nuclear Armageddon machines.

The citizens of Britain have never been asked by the government if they want their young men to be sacrificed at the alter of the American’s criminal and absurd ‘War on Terror‘. Citizens made it clear that they do NOT want this war by the massive demonstrations in London and other UK cities prior to the war being illegally started.

Tragically the British government vastly exaggerates the terror threat to its citizens. Since we started the ‘long war’ in Afghanistan 9 years ago 52 UK citizens have been killed by terrorists in England. In the same period tens of thousands of Afghan people have been killed. At a recent vote in the House of Commons 16 out of the 650 MPs voted to end the war. The view that government foreign policy represents the will of the British people is absurd. We can only assume this vote was the result of the vicious combination of a colonel blimpish hankering after the ‘glory days’ of empire and a craven willingness to do the bidding of the party whips. The government’s blatant contempt for the will (and intelligence) of the people is further illustrated every time Mr Fox, the Secretary of Defence, makes an utterance on our ‘independent deterrent’.

The citizens of Britain have never been asked by the government if they want to spend 97 billion pounds in rebuilding the government’s instruments of Armageddon.

However polls have made it clear that the majority of citizens do not want this. For example the International Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons informs us that 64% of those polled recently in the UK agreed that the government should support a convention to ban all nuclear weapons. This is in spite of the fact that citizens are kept in virtual total ignorance of the horrendous dangers to which they are being exposed by government policy.


7 Hands Off the People of Iran
Submitted by Communist Party of Great Britain

This AGM of the Stop the War Coalition accepts the affiliation of Hands Off the People of Iran. Conference notes the view of the StWC officers that while there may be "political differences" that are "real and serious" between Hopi and some in the coalition, these do not "constitute a barrier to [Hopi’s] affiliation" and "can be addressed within the coalition’s structures" (StWC chair Andrew Murray’s letter to Hopi, April 30 2009). Conference considers that unity in the anti-war movement is more important than political differences even over "real and serious" issues.


8 Condemn 'Cyber Warfare'
Submitted by Communist Students

Conference notes:
1.The attack on Iran’s nuclear plants and major industrial complexes by the sophisticated ‘Stuxnet’ virus.
2.The highly complex nature of the virus - the first of its kind to target real-world infrastructure such as power stations, water plants, industrial units and machinery.
3.That this attack, quite possibly the work of the Israeli state, must be seen in the context of the imperialists’ campaign for ‘regime change from above’ in Iran, a drive that also has utilised crippling sanctions and the threat of more conventional military action.
Conference further notes:
1.That around 30,000 computers in Iranian power stations have been affected by the virus, including those in the Bushehr nuclear reactor.
2.That, like germ warfare, there can be an enormous fall-out from the virus attack, with computers in Syria and Indonesian already being hit.
1.Condemns this pre-emptive cyber-strike as a new form of warfare.
2.Stands implacably opposed to any imperialist intervention in Iran - whether by Israel or the US and its allies –regardless of whether it takes the form of conventional military operations or ‘soft’ options such as viral attacks or sanctions.
3.Expresses active solidarity with the movement of workers, women and students in their struggle for democracy from below against the Iranian theocracy. The 2009 mass demonstrations against the rigged presidential elections were a great inspiration to the movement internationally and we should be clear that the success of their struggle means the success of our struggle against imperialist war, sanctions and reaction.


9 Lingering Kashmir under the shadow of the gun
Submitted by British South Asia Solidarity Forum

This conference of the Stop the War Coalition UK, held in London on 30th October 2010, condemns the recent killings of hundreds of innocent and unarmed young men, women and teenagers in Kashmir struggling for their basic right that is right to self-determination.

The people of Kashmir have been exploited by successive generations of feudal regimes. They were under the Muslim Pashtun Durrani Empire in the eighteenth century. In 1819 Kashmir was conquered by the Sikh ruler Ranjit Singh. In 1845-46, the East India Company, following the First Anglo-Sikh War, ceded Kashmir with India. Shortly after, Kashmir was sold by the Treaty of Amritsar to Gulab Singh, Raja of Jammu, who thereafter was given the title Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir. Thus, Kashmir came under the rule of the Maharajas, who were Sikh, although the majority of the population was Muslim, except in the Jammu region, until the partition of British India with the formations of the Union of India and the Pakistan in 1947. Maharaja Hari Singh was then the ruler of Kashmir.

In October 1947, Muslim revolutionaries in western part and tribals from Pakistan entered Kashmir intending to help Kashmiris liberate themselves from Maharaja’s rule. Unable to withstand the invasion, the Maharaja allegedly signed the treaty of ‘Instrument of Accession’ on 27 October 1947 with the government of India represented by the then Governor General Lord Mountbatten , who continued in India even after independence. The circumstances leading to the alleged treaty of Accession are disputed by many.

Soon, Kashmir became the central issue in the relationship between India and Pakistan, each claiming the ownership of the state, resulting in several wars between the two. The First Kashmir War lasted until 1948, when India moved the issue to the UN Security Council. Due to the unresolved and undemocratic nature of transaction between the Maharaja and India, all the territories are regarded as disputed and there are several UN resolutions calling India and Pakistan to allow a UN administered plebiscite. According to the UN resolution of 21 April 1948, "the final disposition of the State of Jammu and Kashmir will be made in accordance with the will of the people expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations”.

Initially, both the Indian and the Pakistani governments agreed to hold the plebiscite. India, using the pretext of violation of the condition for holding the plebiscite by Pakistan not withdrawing its troops from Kashmir, refused to hold it. Over the next several years, the UN Security Council passed four new resolutions, revising the terms of the initial resolution to include a synchronous withdrawal of both Indian and Pakistani troops from the region. To this end, UN arbitrators put forward 11 different proposals for the demilitarisation of the region - every one of which was accepted by Pakistan, but rejected by the Indian government. The resolutions were non-binding as passed under Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter.

India’s persistent refusals to recognise and implement the right of the people of Kashmir to self-determination constitute the constant source of untold sufferings of common people living in Kashmir as well as worsening geopolitical manoeuvrings of US imperialism in South Asia.

The talks of the Indian government about autonomy or ‘special protective constitutional status of Kashmir’ are hypocritical. The people of Kashmir with their long history as an independent nation in their own right are struggling for self-determination, and it is up to them to decide their own destiny in any form or manner, rejecting all foreign interferences in their internal affairs. India’s ruling classes are continuing the strategic regional expansionist role as pursued by the British imperialists in the past.


10 Build the movement to end crimes against peace
Submitted by South Tyneside Stop the War Coalition

Recognisng that the people are raising the level of the mass movement against the war in Afghanistan and in confronting those political leaders who commit crimes against peace. That Tony Blair was accused by the people as a war criminal in Dublin and London and had to cancel his book signings in London and his “private” book party at the Tate Modern is a significant development that shows that now in the future the people are going to challenge these warmongers, including Prime Ministers, until they are brought to justice for their crimes.

Recognising that ordering the invasion and occupations of other sovereign countries has long been the most serious war crime of all. Recognising that it was from the decisions of Tony Blair and his cabinet colleagues that many countries were invaded and occupied along with George Bush and other state leaders. These decisions were taken behind the warmongering alliance of NATO and usually without even the fig leaf of support from the Security Council for the United Nations which these powers dominate and which as a result has little legitimacy.

The present government of Britain is continuing the occupation of Afghanistan and continues to be a threat to the peace and sovereignty of Iran, DPRK and other countries and as “peace envoy” for the Middle East Tony Blair is allowed to continue his demand for war against Iran.

Conference calls on its coalition to work to build the movement to end crimes against peace. All the plans to commit aggression to effect regime change are the worst kinds of crimes, and the way the UN was used, misused and finally ignored shows their criminal intent and that the UN can no longer be relied on, but that the people must intensify their efforts for the principles of an anti-war government, which includes defence of sovereignty, independence, removing troops from foreign soil, de-militarisation, and also reparations and bringing war criminals to justice.

Conference reaffirms its demand that Britain withdraws from NATO and any warmongering alliance that threatens peace.

Conference reaffirms that it is not acceptable that a line be drawn under these events, and salutes all those who continue to fight for justice and against these crimes against peace.


11 Campaign for Parliament alone to have right to declare war
Submmitted by Coventry Stop the War Coalition

This Conference notes:

The remarkable work of Stiglitz and Bilmes (‘The Three trillion dollar war’) in exposing the true costs of modern warfare. The readiness of successive UK governments to fund military operations for years on end, regardless of national and international disapproval.

The preparedness of successive governments to continue to spend tens of billions of pounds on the renewal of Trident, and yet more tens of billions on the introduction of the supercarriers programme, while cutting basic public services and benefits.

Government failure to disclose the true costs of war in all its facets.

The undemocratic right of British Prime Ministers to declare war without reference to Parliament.

The chronic failure of government to finalise any recommendations to abolish this right.

Consequently, this Conference resolves
1.To campaign for legislation which gives Parliament alone the right to declare war, and which requires all future military actions to be fully and openly costed, and approved by Parliament, both in advance and annually throughout such conflicts
2.To work with sympathetic legal and political organisations and individuals to find a way to bring such legislation before Parliament.


12 No cooperation with war crimes: step up the campaign
Submitted by CPGB - ML

This conference notes the passing last year of a motion calling on the coalition “to do all in its power to promote a movement of industrial, political and military non-cooperation with all of imperialism’s aggressive war preparations and activities among British working people”.

Since that resolution was passed, many important developments have taken place, which on the one hand make this work more urgent, and on the other have created an atmosphere that is more receptive to our message.

Conference notes the attack on those condemning war crimes that was embodied in the draconian sentences handed down to the Gaza protestors. Congress further notes that these sentences were aimed not only at discouraging muslim youth from political activism, but also at dividing the anti-war and Palestine solidarity movements along racial lines, and branding Palestine solidarity as a ‘muslim’ issue.

Conference condemns the murder by Israeli commandos of nine solidarity activists aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in May, despite the fact that the UN had called for the ships to be allowed to pass. Conference notes the UN’s recent findings that these murders were illegal – another war crime to add to the many being committed daily against the Palestinian people.

Conference further notes that in the atmosphere of international outrage that followed these murders, even Israeli-friendly politicians such as Cameron and Hague were forced to make statements condemning both the murders and the siege on Gaza.

Conference reaffirms its support for all those who have taken the lead in active non-cooperation over the past year, in particular for Joe Glenton, for the EDO Decommissioners, for the Gaza protestors, and for the many British participants in siege-busting missions by land and sea to Gaza.

Conference notes that the landmark acquittal in the case of the Decommissioners can only facilitate more actions of this kind, since it not only sets a legal precedent, but is a reflection of the general sense of disgust against Israeli war crimes in particular.

Conference reaffirms its belief that the majority of people in Britain are opposed to British imperialism’s wars, and considers that the time is ripe to make active non-cooperation a central theme of our work. Conference therefore calls on the incoming steering committee to take the line of non-cooperation into as many arenas as possible, including:

1.Putting on a fundraising concert to draw attention to the Gaza prisoners’ plight and to raise money towards a campaign to overturn their convictions.
2.Approaching Joe Glenton to take part in a national speaking tour against cooperation with the Afghan war.
3.Giving full backing, including maximum possible publicity, to all those groups or individuals, whether affiliated to the Coalition or not, who, like the EDO Decommissioners, the Raytheon activists and Joe Glenton, are targeted by the state for refusing to cooperate with, or for actively attempting to prevent, the illegal wars and bombings waged and backed by British imperialism.
4.Stepping up the campaign outside army recruitment centres and at army recruitment stalls in schools, colleges and universities, drawing attention to the war crimes committed by the British armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Launching a full campaign inside the unions to draw attention to British, US and Israeli war crimes, with the aim of passing in each of them, and then at the TUC, motions condemning those crimes and calling on workers to refuse to cooperate in their commission, whether it be by making or moving munitions or other equipment, writing or broadcasting propaganda, or helping in any other way to smooth the path of the war machine.

5.Following the excellent example set by PSC (eg, the campaign to draw attention to pro-Israeli propaganda in Panorama) and Media Lens (eg, alerts drawing attention to the media’s cover-up of war crimes committed in Fallujah) and working with these and others to draw in as many members and supporters as possible to an ongoing campaign to hold the media to account for their pivotal role in apologising for, covering up and normalising British, US and Israeli war crimes.
6.Continuing and increasing the work already done to make Britain a place where war criminals, whether US, British or Israeli, can get no peace, through holding protests, through citizens’ arrests and through all other available channels, including using local, national and international courts to file charges and draw attention to their crimes.
