All Out to Oppose Warmongering, Lies and Disinformation
TML Monthly Is Pertinent and What Is Not in Considering Unfolding Events in Ukraine
This supplement of TML is published to provide our readers with important information and context for what is taking place in Ukraine today. This includes some of the history of current developments, including the U.S.-organized coup in 2014; the effort by the people of Donetsk and Luhansk to establish the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR); the bombardments by the Ukraine government in the Donbass that have killed an estimated 15,000 people, and other relevant developments.
The aim of publishing this information from knowledgeable sources is to assist those seeking to verify the facts behind the conflict in Ukraine and demand solutions which settle the matter peacefully, beginning with opposing what the U.S. and NATO, including Canada, are doing.
The warmongering of the U.S., Canada and other NATO countries and their supporters is increasing in volume and intensity. It reeks of chauvinism and revanchism as it presents the U.S. and NATO countries as champions of freedom, democracy and peace while those who do not join them are portrayed as enemies, authoritarian, anti-people and the like. The first principle of any anti-war movement worthy of the name is to serve the cause of the peoples of the world, not pit one section against another in the name of high ideals. It is to favour solutions which will guarantee the peace, not foment the destruction of one country to serve the interests of others.
The jingoist war propaganda does not even make mention of the wars of aggression and occupation and crimes committed against the peoples of so many countries by the U.S. and NATO. This history shows without any shadow of doubt what the U.S. and NATO represent. It shows that their aims in Ukraine are not to defend freedom, democracy and peace. Their claim that this is a dangerous war because it is in Europe, covers up their crimes in Europe itself, as well as Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and within the United States itself so that excuses are made for what they are doing today.
Minneapolis, February 24, 2022.
Evidence shows that in today's situation, the U.S./NATO aims are to use Ukraine to destroy Russia, also a European nation, whose independent existence and right to be the U.S. and NATO countries will not accept. Their chauvinist mania about European values is such that they choose who is legitimate and who is not on the basis of who agrees with what they call peace, freedom and democracy, all evidence to the contrary be damned. Who they are and what they stand for is to be ignored. Also missing from the equation is the fact that it is the peoples of the world who are fighting against the so-called values the U.S. and NATO countries represent with their very lives; every day they oppose their exploitation, oppression and humiliation.
The propagandists for the U.S. and its aggressive NATO alliance say this is the first war in Europe since World War II, conveniently forgetting to mention that they themselves bombed Yugoslavia to depose then President Slobodan Milosevic and dismember that country. Their 78-day bombardment killed thousands, caused terrible trauma, destroyed infrastructure, cultural patrimony of humanity, and gave status to drug traffickers and criminal elements as freedom fighters, subsequently used as private contractors in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and other countries.
In the name of the imperialist doctrine "responsibility to protect," they instigated civil wars in Yugoslavia, blamed this or that religious or ethnic peoples and caused the first massive refugee crisis under their so-called New World Order which they also blamed on those resisting the U.S. and NATO dictate. In that war they claimed to be the liberators of Kosovars, just as today they claim to be the liberators of a self-servingly defined Ukranian people.
According to their chauvinist warmongering what is happening in Ukraine is unique because Ukraine is European and thus somehow worth more than if such a thing takes place in Asia, Africa, Latin America or the Caribbean. Attempts to portray the U.S., NATO and its "coalitions of the willing" as liberators will not erase the facts of what they are doing today or what they have done and continue to do in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and what is being done by them in Yemen, Syria and many other places. It will not erase the memory of the freedom-loving Europeans who grew up in the shadow of crimes committed against them during World War II, despite the takeover of their countries by self-serving private interests who have usurped the decision-making powers to seek their fortunes in wars of destruction and the sales of arms and munitions.
Canadians have to seriously ask themselves pertinent questions of which there are many. Why does the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine, which makes up one-third of the population, not count in the eyes of the U.S. and NATO, including Canada? Why are they not defended as an integral part of the Ukrainian people but isolated and attacked in the name of high ideals? Why does Russia also not fight for the entire Ukrainian people but just identify those who it says make up its own kith and kin? Why is Russia isolated, not treated with respect but made the target of personalist anti-Putin defamation as if the use of police powers by his regime is substantially any different to what is taking place in the U.S., Canada and NATO countries? Why is Russia not treated as a European country -- not only the country with the largest landmass in Europe but in the entire world, the country which suffered 27 million losses during World War II whose peoples deserve respect? Why is converting Ukraine into a forward base to isolate Russia seen as heroic? It does not honour the heroic people of Ukraine who stood second to none in World War II and made the supreme sacrifice, as one with the Soviet Red Army, to liberate their country and all of Europe from the Nazi fascists.
Remember the history of the anti-war movement since the bombing of Yugoslavia. At each war, the movement had to oppose disinformation which sought to make sure the peoples of the world would not have a say in determining the outcome. Milosevic was demonized to get the peoples of Europe and the world to remain passive and not oppose the NATO bombing. They were accused of being supporters of Milosevic to cover up the aims of the U.S., the contradictions between the big powers of Europe and to keep the peoples of Europe out of the equation. The anti-war movement stood its ground and prevailed. What Milosevic was or was not doing was spun to justify the takeover and dismemberment of Yugoslavia, to divert attention from what the U.S., France, Germany and NATO were doing there. So too, when Iraq was invaded not only was Saddam Hussein, the erstwhile friend of the U.S., British and others demonized, but lies were piled up on lies to justify the invasion and heinous crimes there. The same applies to all the other cases of U.S. and NATO operations and those of their so-called coalitions of the willing.
In the name of all those victims of U.S. and NATO aggression and war, in the name of all the victims of sanctions and the heinous crimes the U.S. has committed and seeks to justify, and in the name of all those who are victims of the use of force today, let us demand that the U.S. withdraw its troops and weapons from Europe. Let us demand that NATO be dismantled, that the security of Russia and other countries being destabilized by the U.S., British, Canadian and NATO warships and provocations be guaranteed and that the cause of peace prevail by resolving conflicts without resorting to the use of force.
Pitting military might against military might can only escalate an already dangerous situation. It is necessary to draw warranted conclusions about what is going on in Ukraine so as to effectively organize the peoples of the world as a force for peace, democracy and freedom. The need to strengthen the anti-war movement must necessarily oppose warmongering, lies and disinformation on an ongoing basis. This task is as great today as ever, if not more so because of the grand-scale presentation of NATO and the U.S. as liberators.
All out to mobilize the people to get Canada out of NATO, dismantle NATO and make Canada a zone for peace. Canadians need an anti-war government, not a government that engages in wars to establish U.S. as "the indispensable nation" at the expense of the legitimate concerns of all other countries and peoples.