Author Topic: G7 Summit in Germany  (Read 5517 times)


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G7 Summit in Germany
« on: June 17, 2015, 01:50:49 PM »
G7 Summit in Germany

Meeting of Big Powers Confirms Agenda for
 War and Occupation

- K.C. Adams -  TML Information Project

Protests on June 6, 2015 in lead up to G-7 Summit in Elmau, Germany.

The leaders of the Group of Seven big powers (G7) met on June 7 and 8, in Elmau, Bavaria, Germany for their annual Summit. This is the second Summit since expelling Russia in 2014 from the Group of Eight in retaliation for the overwhelming agreement of the people of Crimea through a referendum to leave Ukraine and rejoin the Russian Federation. This leaves as members the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Canada with the European Union also represented.

The concluding communiqué of the June G7 Summit makes it clear that the values and principles of the leaders are jointly shared. The communiqué says, "Guided by our shared values and principles, we are determined to work closely together to meet the complex international economic and political challenges of our times."

G7 Summit Final Declaration

The communiqué lists what the G7 leaders see as challenges to their monopoly capitalist economies: "Many of our economies are still operating below their full potential.... Overall G7 unemployment is still too high [with] prolonged low inflation rates, weak investment and demand, high public and private debt, sustained internal and external imbalances, geopolitical tensions as well as financial market volatility."

To deal with these challenges, the Summit vows to continue the same neo-liberal direction, "By protecting intellectual property rights, supporting private investment with a business friendly climate promoting quality infrastructure investment to address shortfalls through effective resource mobilization in partnership with the private sector and increasing productivity by further implementing ambitious structural reforms. [...] We have identified the following priorities: full, consistent and prompt implementation of agreed reforms will be essential to ensuring an open and resilient global financial system."

Strengthening Monopoly Right Globally

In response to the widespread criticism of pay-the-rich schemes to bail out favoured monopolies using money from the public treasury, the G7 leaders agreed to change the name of companies considered "too-big-to-fail" and instead call them "global systemically important." Specifically concerning their financial institutions, the G7 leaders said, "We remain committed to finalizing the proposed common international standard on total loss absorbing capacity for global systemically important banks."

With respect to the obvious problems caused by the parasitism and decay of the imperialist system where enormous social wealth is traded globally, draining the socialized economies of funds necessary for their development and to meet the needs of the people, the leaders stressed the importance of enhancing their global monopoly control and combatting all efforts to restrict monopoly right. The communiqué says, "To help reduce systemic risk and increase transparency, we also stress the importance of enhanced cross-border cooperation in financial regulatory areas to enable regulations to be more effective particularly in the areas of resolution and derivatives markets reform."

To bolster their interference in the affairs of all countries and to control their financial transactions and spy on their activities, the G7 leaders declare, "We commit to strongly promoting automatic exchange of information on cross-border tax rulings. Moreover, we look forward to the rapid implementation of the new single global standard for automatic exchange of information by the end of 2017 or 2018, including by all financial centres .... We also urge jurisdictions that have not yet, or not adequately, implemented the international standard for the exchange of information on request to do so expeditiously."

Using tax evasion and the widespread corruption of the rich as a weapon to extend their control over others and to enforce their economic sanctions and blockades against all those who oppose them, the G7 leaders write, "We recognize the importance of beneficial ownership transparency for combatting tax evasion, corruption and other activities generating illicit flows of finance."

Promoting Free Trade, the Economic Spear of Imperialist Globalization to Attack the Sovereign Rights of Nations and Peoples Everywhere

Despite massive opposition in all countries involved, including Canada, the G7 leaders reiterated their neo-liberal views on free trade as a means to enforce monopoly right globally and attack the sovereign rights of nations to develop their own economies as they see fit, restrict monopoly right and serve the public interest: "Fostering global economic growth by reducing barriers to trade remains imperative and we reaffirm our commitment to keep markets open.... We remain committed to reducing barriers to trade and to improving competitiveness by taking unilateral steps to liberalize our economies.... We also welcome ongoing efforts to conclude ambitious and high-standard new bilateral and regional free trade agreements (FTAs) and look forward to swift progress in plurilateral negotiations, including the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), the expansion of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA) and the Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA).... We welcome progress on major ongoing trade negotiations, including on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the EU-Japan FTA/Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).... We welcome the conclusion of the negotiations on the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the EU and look forward to its timely entry into force."

The G7 countries stated their intention to do everything in their power to continue their domination over the economic affairs of the world and subvert the sovereign right of nations and peoples to be. They pledged to strengthen the use of their existing political, military and economic institutions including NATO, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and Central Banks. IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Secretary-General Angel Gurria were participants in the Summit. They reaffirmed their determination to enforce sanctions, embargoes, blockades and military pressure against all those countries that defy the will of the G7.

Countries Singled Out for Abuse

Targets of the G7 singled out for specific abuse in the communiqué include China, Russia, Iran, the DPRK, Libya, Palestine and Syria.

The G7 leaders pointed their finger at China as an offender of the "Rules-Based Maritime Order" and the "free and unimpeded lawful use of the world's oceans," for allegedly raising "tensions in the East and South China Seas" through "the use of intimidation, coercion or force, as well as large scale land reclamation."

The U.S. military, enthusiastically supported by U.S.-occupied militarist Japan, is engaged in a "pivot to Asia" to put 60 per cent of U.S. military assets around China and the Korean Peninsula. An aspect of the U.S. military pivot is to employ the old colonial tactic of "divide and rule" by stirring up trouble between China and its neighbours and actively undermining any steps towards the development of friendly relations amongst the peoples of Asia.

The U.S. imperialists still occupy Japan and south Korea with multiple military bases and openly interfere in their political affairs. They prowl the waters throughout Asia with nuclear-armed submarines and armadas with aircraft carriers at their core engaging in constant war games directed at China and the DPRK but also the peoples of Japan and south Korea. The U.S. imperialists summarily dismiss the growing recognition that the biggest obstacle to peace and good relations amongst the peoples of Asia is the ominous presence and activity of the U.S. armed forces.

G7 Attacks Russia

The G7 leaders blame Russia for the fascist coup d'état in Ukraine and the subsequent war of the Kiev coup regime against its own people living in the eastern and southern regions of the country. The G7 countries are specifically upset that the people in Crimea resisted the Kiev fascist coup regime and voted overwhelmingly in a referendum to leave Ukraine and rejoin Russia, which is their democratic right. For this act of rebellion on the part of the people of Crimea, and as part of their long-term strategy to impose regime change in Russia, the G7 big powers led by the U.S., Britain and Germany vented their anger by imposing sanctions on Russia and moving an increased number of NATO armed forces closer to Russia's borders.

The G7-based monopolies and institutions such as the IMF and in particular the monopolies of the U.S., Germany and Britain are using the cover of the fascist coup regime in Kiev to increase their hold over the land, resources and general economy of Ukraine. They want to use an annexed fascist Ukraine as a base to bring all the former Soviet Republics and Russia itself and its enormous natural resources under their control and domination.

Contradictions within the G7 took only days following the Summit to become manifest, with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, in the words of the mass media, "warmly greeting" President Putin during his June 10-11 visit to Milan and Rome. President Putin spoke of the "special relationship" between Russia and Italy, while the Italian Prime Minister pledged to step up their economic cooperation and lauded Russia as a "great country" with which dialogue must continue.[1]

In spite of the agreement to blame Russia for the problems in Ukraine, the contradictions show that not all G7 countries are following the U.S. dictate on this issue. Some countries, such as Germany and France are instead attempting to deal with the problem on the basis of the European interests.

G7 Continues Economic War Against Iran

The G7 big powers are actively engaged in undermining the independence and sovereignty of Iran and imposing regime change. Attacking Iran's right to use nuclear energy and to defend itself is part of the overall assault. While the U.S. imperialists are armed to the teeth with all manner of weapons of mass destruction and use their military bases and economic embargoes throughout the world to attack, intimidate and dominate the people, the G7 big powers turn truth on its head and demand of "Iran to cooperate fully with the International Atomic Energy Agency on verification of Iran's nuclear activities and to address all outstanding issues, including those relating to possible military dimensions" or continue to suffer the consequences of economic sanctions and military pressure.

DPRK Under Attack

The G7 big powers have imposed draconian sanctions against the DPRK in an attempt to deny its right to be. The U.S. imperialists refuse to sign a peace treaty to end their war of aggression and occupation of Korea and constantly threaten the DPRK by staging war games on its land and sea borders and other provocations. The communiqué says with the utmost hypocrisy, as if the peoples of the world do not have the right to defend their right to be: "We strongly condemn North Korea's continued development of nuclear and ballistic missile programmes."

The Horrors of a Conquered Libya

After destroying the anti-colonial Kaddafi regime in Libya, the G7 cries crocodile tears about the horrible situation they have created through NATO's naked aggression against a sovereign country under the hoax of "responsibility to protect." The communiqué says, "In Libya, we are deeply concerned about the growing terrorist threat, arms proliferation, migrant smuggling, humanitarian suffering and the depletion of state assets. Unless a political agreement is reached, the ongoing instability risks prolonging the crisis that is felt most keenly and acutely by the Libyan people themselves. They are already suffering as terrorist groups attempt to expand into ungoverned space and criminal networks exploit the situation by facilitating irregular migration through Libya."

After violently dismantling the existing anti-colonial Libyan state, which was the most advanced in all of Africa in terms of the material and social infrastructure, the G7 leaders say with the most appalling hypocrisy, "We stand ready to provide significant support to such an inclusive and representative [Libyan] government as it tries to build effective state institutions, including security forces, to restore public services, to expand infrastructure, strengthen, rebuild and diversify the economy and to rid the country of terrorists and criminal networks."

The War on Terror -- Pretext for Imperialist War Against
 the Peoples of the World

Police attack demonstrators protesting
 the G7 Summit.
The G7 big powers, especially the U.S. and Britain, with their destruction of state structures in so many countries through predatory war and political interference, have created an atmosphere of global anarchy and violence. The G7 big powers refuse to end their exploitation of the world's peoples and theft of their natural resources. Their nature is to pillage and rob rather than engage in civilized friendly relations and trade for mutual benefit and development.

The G7 big powers, in particular the U.S. and Britain, are responsible for the growth of groups that engage in indiscriminate killing, violence and anarchy, serving the nefarious ends of those who finance and pull their strings, but which sometimes tumble out of control or favour and return to bite the hand that nurtured them. Once again turning truth on its head, the G7 leaders say, "In light of the Foreign Terrorist Fighters phenomenon, the fight against terrorism and violent extremism will have to remain the priority for the whole international community. In this context we welcome the continued efforts of the Global Coalition to counter ISIL/Da'esh.... The fight against terrorism and terrorist financing is a major priority for the G7."

The high-sounding ideals of the global fight against terrorism are being used to impose regime change and anarchy and violence to perpetuate U.S. imperialist exploitation, destroy competitors and suppress the rights of the peoples of the G7 countries themselves. Under the guise of fighting terrorism the countries of the G7 and the entire world are being dragged into lawlessness and might-makes-right.

Expanding Imperialist Exploitation and Competition
 for the Resources of the Oceans

Extending their interests throughout the deep seas and declaring for the most powerful monopolies open season on the natural resources found in the waters common to all, the G7 big powers in their communiqué state, "We, the G7, take note of the growing interest in deep sea mining beyond the limits of national jurisdiction and the opportunities it presents.... Key priorities include setting up regulatory certainty and predictability for investors."

Climate Change Accounting Put Off Until Next Century

One of the biggest farces of the G7 Summit was the hot air on climate change. The G7 leaders' concept of the "urgent and concrete action needed to address climate change" is to put off any accounting of the problem to the end of the twenty-first century! Of course, in the interim, the G7 monopolies want "carbon derivatives" concocted, commoditized and traded so that the parasites can further fleece the economies of the world of their social wealth.


1. "In Italy, Putin hears warm words -- and chalks up a win," Christian Science Monitor, June 11, 2015.