I have only found wikipedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coalition_casualties_in_AfghanistanOf course there are no sites listing the Afghans killed by the occupation forces or the Afghans soldiers enlisted into the occupiers Karzai government.
I noticed that general McCrystal has been studying the young Churchill reports from Afghanisan and earlier British colonialists. They are trying to copy the formula of setting up rival tribal groups that can busy themselves in conflicts with each other whilst they rule over the chaotic result. I think this is behind the way they are using the Afghan army to mix up different tribal groups like they have done in Iraq. Of course this is the deadly Israeli tactic learnt I think from the British but now employed in Iraq with deadly consequences. Apart form being a criminal and reactionary aim of the occupier it shows how bereft they are of any modern conceptipn of history that they are turning their attention to copying the 19th century colonialists having also gone back to the medieval toruture chambers. There is that saying that first time around it is a tragedy and second time around it is a farce.
Did you know the British army sent two brothers back from Afghanistan a few days early when a third brother was killed. For the soldiers it is a deadly farce. I was reprsenting a nurse today, divorced and alone on a disciplinary charge her only son who has already been to Iraq twice is now going to Afghanistan. Bring the troops home is not about just saving Private Ryan but all the soldiers and all the people they are sending to occupy and Kill. The aim of all is against the the non-humans, men who occupy power or influence in pro- war government and cause these wars. The men who make the wounds that take away the right to life from so many people.