Author Topic: National Demonstration: London Saturday 3 January  (Read 8912 times)


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National Demonstration: London Saturday 3 January
« on: December 30, 2008, 09:27:54 PM »
National Demonstration: London Saturday 3 January     

Four-year-old Lama Hamdan killed by an Israeli missile on 29 December. "Israel is committing a shocking series of atrocities by using modern weaponry against a defenceless population - attacking a population that has been enduring a severe blockade for many months."

The UN Human Rights Council Stop Gaza Massacre
Hands Off Gaza: Stop the Bombing: Free Palestine
Assemble 12:30pm Embankment, WC2
Nearest tube Embankment
**Important Update: Please note change of Gaza demonstration time and assembly point.**
Called by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, British Muslim Initiative and many other organisations.

Israel has launched a terror bombing against the people of Gaza, with over 350 dead and many more injured.

Not content after 3 days of devastating slaughter, the Israeli government promises more barbarity to come.

The head of the Israeli military says, "This is only the beginning".

The people of Gaza are asking, if this is only the beginning, what will the end look like?

Download the leaflet here
For details of daily demonstrations in London and actions around the country, click here.
An eye witness describes what happens when the world’s fourth most heavily armed nation rains down such devastation on the civilians of the world’s most densely populated area:

“People are going through the dead terrified of recognizing a family member among them. The streets are strewn with their bodies, their arms, legs, feet, some with shoes and some without… Hospitals and morgues cannot cope and some of the dead are still lying in the streets with their families gathered around them, kissing their faces, holding on to them. Outside the destroyed buildings old men are kneeling on the floor weeping. Their slim hopes of finding their sons still alive vanished after taking one look at what had become of their office buildings.”

Protests against these atrocities have already taken place across the world with two big demonstrations in London, called at the shortest notice, blocking the roads to the Israeli Embassy.

Now a national emergency demonstration in London has been organised for Saturday 3 January. Called by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, British Muslim Initiative and many more organisations, the demonstration will assemble at 12:30pm at Embankment, WC2.

We need to mobilise in the largest possible numbers for the emergency demonstration. Gordon Brown needs to be reminded that Tony Blair’s support for Israel’s attack on Lebanon in 2006 lead to him being forced from office. The British government must call for the bombing to stop now and for an end to Israel’s illegal blockade of Gaza over the past year, which has inflicted near starvation and lack of essential resources on its people.

Please do all you can to mobilise for the emergency demonstration:

Spread the word as widely as you can among your friends, neighbours, work colleagues, fellow students.
Download the demonstration flyer from the Stop the War website, photocopy or print it, distribute it as widely as you can:
Take leaflets to your local community centre, mosque, church, etc. Help leaflet tube and bus stations.


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Re: National Demonstration: London Saturday 3 January
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2008, 09:10:40 AM »
Join the protests and take action to stop the massacre in Gaza !

PSC would like to thank the thousands of people who came out to
protest outside the Israeli embassy in London , and across the UK ,
to call for an end to the killing and an end to the siege of the
people of Gaza .

Please join the protests and demonstrations over the next few days
(please check our website for latest events)


Tuesday 30 December, 2pm to 4pm outside Israeli Embassy, Kensington
High Street , London , W4.  Nearest tube Kensingston High Street
(turn right out of tube station and walk along the main road.

Wednesday 31 December, 2pm - 4pm outside Israeli Embassy

Thursday 1 January 2pm - 4pm outside Israeli Embassy

Friday 2 January 2pm - 4 pm.  Outside the Egyptian Embassy, 26 South
Audley Street , London , W1K 1DW .  Call for Egypt to open the border



Assemble 12:30pm Along Embankment, by Embankment tube station, LONDON
WC2 - Nearest tube Embankment or Charing Cross


Saturday 3 January 12 noon.  Outside Lloyds TSB St Vincent Street
then assemble for demo at Blytheswood Square 2pm


Saturday 3 January 12 noon.  Foot of the Mound, Princes Street


Centre, opposite the Hippodrome, Tuesday - Friday 5.00 - 6.00 and
Saturday 2.00 - 4.00.


Tuesday 30 December 12 to 1pm.  outside Cardiff Market/ St John's
Church , the Hayes

Wednesday 31 December New Year Vigil.  Nye Bevan Statue, Queen Street


Tuesday 30 December 12 noon, Market Square


Tuesday 30 December 12 to 2pm, West Quay Entrance, High Street


Saturday 3 January 11am, Guildhall Square

Organised by Portsmouth Network for a Just Settlement of the Arab-
Israeli Conflict, and Portsmouth Stop the War Coalition


Saturday 3 January, 11am. Queen Victoria Square .


Tuesday 30th December 5pm  - Cornmarket Street , near Carfax

Organised by Oxford PSC


Vigil Tuesday 30 December 5pm outside BBC Oxford road, Manchester .

  Vigil to be held every night until Israel 's criminal attacks cease.


Stop the Massacre in Gaza !    End the Siege Now!
Assemble: 12 noon on Cavendish St , All Saints Park on Oxford Rd.
(further down from the BBC) March around the city for a final rally


Saturday 3rd January: Assemble at 12 noon: Outside Sheffield Town Hall


4.30-6pm Tuesday 30th December
Outside Leeds Art Gallery , Headrow, Leeds
Please join us - bring candles in jars to light the event.


Wednesday 31st December, 2008.

12.30 - 3.30pm, Broad Street (opposite Oracle shopping centre),
Reading , Berks.

Vigil and mass leaflet against Israeli war crimes in Gaza . Bring a
candle and a placard if you can.


Sat 3rd Jan - 12 to 2pm Grey's Monument in Newcastle

Organised by PSC, Stop the War Coalition & the University Friends of


Wed 31st December 2-4pm Church St Liverpool

Saturday 3rd January 12-2pm St Lukes Church - top of Bold St.

Organised by Liverpool Friends of Palestine


Saturday 3rd. January - 3pm Vigil in Harold Place , Hastings

Hastings Against War


Protest has been called for Saturday 3rd January 1pm, at St.
Sampson's Square in York .

We hope to follow this with a march through town. Please bring
banners, flags and placards. Organised by York PSC.


Vigil/Potest12.00 noon - 1pm Saturday 3rd Jan outside St Peter
Mancroft Church in the Millenium Library Square

Norwich PSC and Norwich STWC


Saturday 3rdf Jan - 12 noon at Tunbridge Wells shopping precinct

Called by Wealden progressive movement and stop the war coalition
Tunbridge wells

*** Action alert ***

Write to your MP urging them to insist that Prime Minister Gordon
Brown acts to ensure:

An immediate end to Israel 's military assault on Gaza
An immediate end to the blockade and siege on Gaza
An end to Israel 's violations of international law
An end to Israeli occupation