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Messages - stevendryden

Pages: [1]
Stop The War have called another demo in London next Saturday at Hyde Park and are encouraging as many activists as possible to get to the capital to make the demonstartion as large as possible.

Is there any thoughts of maybe trying get a coach put on so that we could sign people up who want to come at the organizing meeting at muslim Welfare House on Wednesday?

I can't believe that there seems to have been yet another media black-out on a Stop The War Demonstration. Like the demonstrations held early this year in Central London it seems that the media deems thousands of people taking to the street of Manchester  and marching outside the Labour Party Conference NOT news worthy. Given  that the focus of the Conference has been on the current Economic Crisis it seems baffling that a demonstration pointing out that we could be spending  millions of pounds on Public Warfare rather than Warfare should go by not noticed.
It was great to see so many people out on the streets though, and the feeling marching through tunnels with all that screaming, shouting and whistle blowing really got the old heart pumping.
RIP Julie Fowler, you'll be a big miss on the stalls.

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